Agree. Slick program! Reminds me Tune Up Utilities for Windows. I think you've solved my problem! Not only that, In Finder, The file size is now being displayed where before there was only a double-dash ( -- ).
I just peeked through the rules i had set up, and Adium (I think i like it better than MSN) was not there. I created a rule to allow it on any port. Perhaps that was the issue to begin with?
Burn! Haha Thought of that after the fact.... I have an iMac 2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram, OS X 10.5.5. I have not tried repairing permissions, as i don't know how. Still new to the Mac. I did however, turn off network blocking in Little Snitch, and it allowed me to open Adium. For...
I think i have a fairly unique problem...
I had installed Messenger for Mac 7, and it worked fine for a few days. After that, when i launched it, it would hang, and show me the color wheel. I would have to force quit in order to close it. That was fine, however when i tried an MSN clone...