Recent content by Cantabiles

  1. C

    Changed permissions for "Everyone" to "No Access" and can no longer log in

    thanks g/re/p! your solution worked like a breeze without needing any modification at all! thank u so much i don't know what i could do for u.. but really thanks thanks thanks! just a little more.. may i know what the first 2 commands actually did..? thanks thanks thanks...!!!! thanks...
  2. C

    Changed permissions for "Everyone" to "No Access" and can no longer log in

    thank u very much ora! archive and install sounds viable but I'm worried that after archiving, the new install wouldn't have permissions to access the archived data.. what do u think? meanwhile I will still wait for a terminal fix from a pro haha.. thanks anyways.. =)
  3. C

    Changed permissions for "Everyone" to "No Access" and can no longer log in

    a re-installation will be my very very last resort because i left out 2 folders of my video editing files in my time machine backups.. but i still have a hunch that this problem could be solved without a re-installion because verifying my disk shows my macintosh HD is OK and the S.M.A.R.T is...
  4. C

    Changed permissions for "Everyone" to "No Access" and can no longer log in

    hi.. I'm starting a new thread because I need specific instruction for my problem I'm really very worried that one wrong move could jeopardize the data in my HD.. yesterday I tried to adjust permissions in my system. I'm using a MacBook running leopard.. I changed permissions for the entire...