It disappears when I log in, but just now before I logged in, 'online shopping site' in my post and Intellitext in your post were double underlined. I've never seen this before - is there a way to block it in Firefox preferences?
I have posted twice tonight about this but in another thread (disk utility finds strange volume). I will attach the screenshot here also. Twice i selected macosx from my bookmarks and when I got here some of the words were
double underlined in blue, clicking on them took me to an online...
Maybe this should be a new thread, apologies, I'm lost again. I have made one post already about this and asked a tech. I was logged out for a while doing other stuff and then checked back and the macosx home page had those double blue underlines again. I made a screenshot and tried to ask a...
A very odd thing happened a few minutes ago - when I first navigated to this page some of the words were double underlined in blue and when clicked took me to an online shopping page(Fresh, Find, Infomash operating systems and SQL Server 2008-D Everybody's business. The back...
Yeah, I enabled it and made a password and never used it for anything after that - I read about it in the missing manual and just did it, a tad possessive of my first non hand me down spare parts computer. Anyway, the other user choice disappeared and I can't find 'security' to click in the...
Thank you kindly Deltamac, jbarley and ex2bot - I apologize for what must seem like inane questions - maybe most folks know this stuff before they put their dollars down -when I decided to join the 21st century(as my kids say) I talked to a lot of people about their computers and what they liked...
Thank you jbarley. I found some beginner's guides on macrumours and checked RAM - the 205 number was the free space # on the activity monitor(which is constantly changing). I have some time today to look up and study and that's what I'll be doing - maybe then I can ask some intelligent...
Well, I've done the archive & install and the first thing I notice is my picture is gone from the login screen and so is the option of other user - that strange file is still there - I don't get it, does Seagate make the hard drive for Macs and how did it get partitioned? I thought the user had...
Thanks but I don't have a Seagate hard drive unless it came installed on my iMac7 - the only thing connected to my Mac is the Canon printer that I bought with it - no other hard drive or storage device. So do I have to reinstall Macosx? And you're right about no back-ups but then I don't have...
My iMac's only 3 years old - do they fail so fast? And I think I have lots of RAM
but I'm feeling a little frazzled and don't remember where to find that info.
Also I do not have a Seagate hard drive
I thought my hard drive was macintosh HD ! I have an iMac7.1 and I haven't partitioned it - wouldn't know how. According to the hardware overview it has
1GB Memory - is that the same as total capacity ? Because I don't have anything else connected to it, just a printer. And what is Qmedia...
Okay, so I've been running Disk Utility to repair permissions as noted in posts
by other folks but I keep having to repair the unknown (to me) volume called
232.9 GB ST3250820AS. I don't know what this is or where it came from. Is it safe to delete since it seems to need repair constantly. I...
Hi Wolfie
Have you looked at your console log? Does it have a lot of stuff about listening ports? I'm still really curious about this, my Mac has been running
more smoothly since I finally found all the files related to Veoh and deleted
them. I printed off a several pages of the...
Hi Captain Code
I'm sure you can tell I'm new to this - I created a password for the root account mostly for the fun of it and so no one else could. And so I could see what was in those files I didn't have sufficient access for as administrator. I certainly don't want to mess with anything...
Thanks again, Giaguara - can you tell me what a shared listening port is? Does
it have anything to do with Virtual Networking? Oh, and what about a non
virtual thunk ? Or KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE ?
The real world calls - time to go to work - i will check in this evening in hopes
you have...