Recent content by glsweetnam

  1. G

    4 sec. delay for all clicks?!

    I found a 10.4.6 disc and did an archive and install. The delay problem is gone. Now I'm just installing updates to make nice between Photoshop and my Epson Printer. How does the Mac know that, the week before an art show, you'll give it whatever hard or software its little silicon heart...
  2. G

    4 sec. delay for all clicks?!

    Thanks for the suggestions. It is strange to finish typing that first sentence before it appears. I don't actually have the 10.4 installation disc, my G5 came from the MegaMacs with it already installed. Perhaps I can borrow a disc. I'd go up to 10.5 but so many of my photog peers have had...
  3. G

    4 sec. delay for all clicks?!

    G5, 1.8Ghz dual, 10.4.11, 1G. Fleeing a dying internal HD I moved files, including Library, to a smaller internal HD. I now get a 4-5 second delay for all clicks and typing. On startup I'm warned "System extension '/System/Library/extensions/SymDC.kext' is not working, please reinstall." I...