Recent content by heartstar7703

  1. H

    intel imac wont boot~kernal panics, grey screen, etc

    Thank you for those instructions, although I don't understand what a guid partition table and mac extended journaled format means at all. Ill see what I can figure out. What should I try to do after that to troubleshoot further?
  2. H

    intel imac wont boot~kernal panics, grey screen, etc

    I have this non bootable mac and 3 broken pc's right now, I'm desperate to fix one of them. Is there any other way to backup ? I would like to save the info if possible, but if I can't, but I can make the computer work again, so be it.
  3. H

    intel imac wont boot~kernal panics, grey screen, etc

    How do I back it up if it won't boot?
  4. H

    intel imac wont boot~kernal panics, grey screen, etc

    I'm not sure if they were apple authorized or not, I asked if the worked on macs, they said yes. Do you know of any other tests I can run or ways to diagnose if the hd is really the problem?
  5. H

    intel imac wont boot~kernal panics, grey screen, etc

    FYI: This is my first mac, so I am pretty new to all this..... My imac was slowing down the last few months it was up and running, intermittant kernal panics (but at the time I had no clue what that meant, so I just kept rebooting to make it go away) then one day a grey screen when trying to...
  6. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    No, I did not install snow leopard, still running tiger. I did the other 2 suggestions and no dice.
  7. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    No, I did both things you suggested (besides installing snow leopard) I was told by some people that because I'm going from tiger to snow leopard it won't work because I needed to upgrade to the os that came before snow leopard first. Is this true? Do you think installing the snow leopard...
  8. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    No, I have not ignored you. I did try what you suggested and it did not help. I posted a reply to your post but it said it had to be moderated before it was posted, and I see it hasn't been posted yet. I dont even know if this one will go through.
  9. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    Have done that already. Thats not fixing it.
  10. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    Hello, thanks for your reply. I have done both things you suggested above (have not installed snow leopard yet). It still is rebooting slooow and running slooow. Rainbow wheel almost everytime I click on something or try and type something. I know macs are less susceptible to viruses, but...
  11. H

    imac is running so slow lately, new to macs and need help please

    Hello, I have had my imac for about a year now (bought it used) In the last few weeks it began to run slower and slower. The rainbow wheel spins and spins when on the internet, my kodak and other photo editing software run slow, it's now at a slow crawl compared to when I first got it. I...