os x cheetah does not have the more information option on about this mac. I have to go to system profiler through applications>utilities>system profiler and then there are arrows to click on that show info and I do not see those hardware, power, hardware configurations
Ok we might be on to something here with this clamshell with a sleep problem. When I close the lid it will not go to sleep. I opened energy preferences and made adjustments and it still will not sleep unless I manually put it in sleep mode. This is weird because all it does is sleep when the...
Its running cheetah fine as long as no battery in installed. Ran it all night with no issues. As soon as i pop the battery in it goes to sleep. And id I try to install os 9 as soon as it is ready to install it goes to sleep. If I had caused damage why would it take a os x 10.0.3 cheetah install...
Hi guys I have a very strange problem here. I have 2 clamshells and the indigo clamshell is making me want to smash it,lol. I really love them don't get me wrong but I AM SO angry with it. I changed the hard drive and it would not go past the grey apple screen. So I tried loading os 9 back on...
Thanks but yea I am booted into os 9 and know how to start up in either. It just will not open. I did get the firmware update to work. Thank god the update was included with the os 9 disk I have. But i have 2 clamshells and the indigo will not take the os 9 install. everytime it loads the os 9...
ok guys I finally got os 9 installed and working great,. Here is my problem. I went to apple website downloaded the firmware update and when I try to open the .smi file it says can not open no application is selected to open this file. What the heck I thought .smi was a self mounting image? What...
Yea I am about 2 hours from a apple dealer but I did buy a retail os 9 on ebay for $27 lot more then I wanted to pay!! Why are they charging so much for such an old os must be because of people like me, ;-)
Yea its a project but still fun. I guess my next move here is to buy the os 9 cd and then go from there. Thanks for your help and I will update this post and keep you guys informed
I can not get past the blinking ? mark to boot back into os x tiger to check and see about the drivers for os 9. Also yea I am sure I have the old firmware I meant to upgrade the firmware before I added the memory and changed the hd with tiger on it but forgot. I know the old firmware does not...