With the new Mac OSX update we had about two weeks ago, that looked into some of the 'sleep' problems asociated with Macs, I haven't had anymore problems. The truth is that I haven't had any problems with what I posted since my last post.
Just thought I'd leave this message for future...
Nobody has answered me in the past three days, so I'll update you on what's happened since for reference and anyone who happens to come upon this post with similar problems.
I haven't really worked the problem out, but since the last post I received, I stopped leaving any USB devices en in the...
On the first two occasions I had a Kingston Pen Drive connected at the time. But this last crash I didn't have any USB devices connected.
Have you spotted anything in the error reports?
I so hope you have because I'm constantly on Google searching for similar crashes from other Mac users...
So it's gone and happened again and this time I know for sure it hasn't got anyhting to do with the VirusBarrier Express app beacause I uninstalled it earlier in the day.
This greying out and crashing has always happened if I've left my MacBook without touching it for a while (half an hour...
I've been reading through the first error report I pasted in the first page of this thread and I can't find where the problem arrises from the Virus Barrier Express App. I can see that near the end of the report it mentions the anti virus program, but that's due to the fact that after I had...
The crash has happened again and both times it's happened after I've left my MacBook doing stuff while it's gone into hibernation. After about half an hour when I come back, this has now happened for the second time.
I proceeded to restart my MacBook by holding down the power button...
Thanks Satcomer and fryke!!!
So you think that the problem could be the Mac Virus Barrier?
It's kinda funny coz that program not only is it recomended and available for download on the official App Store on the Mac. But that it's recomended on almost all websites related to Apple!!!
Hi there guys...
I'm new to this forum as I recently bought my first Mac. A MacBook to be exact!!!
I'm extremely happy with it and I'm now a new Apple convert in every case!!!
But today for the first time I had my first problem and I searched through Google until I found this thread which...