Recent content by pmr

  1. P

    Removing unwanted languages in Pages

    No thanks!! That software seems like an over-priced and potentially dangerous utility and one would be MUCH safer using the previously mentioned 'Monolingual' - and it's free!!
  2. P

    Removing unwanted languages in Pages

    Hey, it may not be as bad as I thought. I just tried using the System Prefs for International and clicked and dragged the 'British English' in the list to the top and restarted and Pages iWork '09 now flags 'color' as a mistake and 'colour' is not. But isn't this a bit backward way for the...
  3. P

    Removing unwanted languages in Pages

    Gheese!!! This is sure crazier than it should be!!! I'm a bit of a Moningual but VERY careful user and I have NEVER deleteted any "English" listed language. I do a 'get info' on Pages (the iWorks '09 version) and only "English" is listed as an option and sure as H___, typing 'colour' gets...
  4. P

    Removing unwanted languages in Pages

    System Prefs -> International (or language & text) -> Language tab -> Edit and uncheck those you don't want and as it will say, "click and drag the languages into the order you want". BTW: There's a timely article at you might want to...