Great information. I have read numerous posts regarding problems with turning file vault
off because they no longer have enough space to do so. Here's yet another thing I just learned this week. When you change your user password..... you better remember the old one that file vault was...
I understand however File Vault is only an option for the very experienced mac user and should be advertised as such.
I have read post after post and have spoken to over 3-4 mac certified engineer's and they have all told me they Never, Ever use File Vault. Their exact words are "Never use...
Thanks, I stopped using the drive immediately. I have been reading a lot and I think I may have deleted a sparse image that was "Blank" that I created a few months ago. I'm thinking the reason filevault crashed is because I did a hard reset while emptying the trash. And from what I read...
I was trying to clear out space on my HD (because I was getting disc almost full messages)for some reason and I dont have a lot of files on my G5 because I dont trust it (it was a lemon from the start). I prefer my old G4. I downloaded something called Directory X , free...