Recent content by raeann_smith

  1. R

    ADC to VGA?

    It appeared to be the only video card in the G3 tower, but I unscrewed it and moved it to the G4 tower and am back in business. Yippee! Thanks for helping end my week on a positive note. Hopefully someday I'll be able to return the favor. Have a good one!
  2. R

    ADC to VGA?

    I think I found a vga card that I can put in the tower. I pulled it out of a G3 tower, but believe it will work. I just have to get to the building where the computer is to test it. If it works, then I can end my Friday with a reason to celebrate! Thanks again for all your thoughts. My...
  3. R

    ADC to VGA?

    Wow. Thanks for clearing that up, as I misunderstood what was being posted. I may have to re-evaluate. Since i am looking for my district, there may be the option of moving computers around instead of the adapter idea. I do have two vga items I want to connect. One is data projector...
  4. R

    ADC to VGA?

    I have been pulling my hair out for days trying to figure this one out. This thread was great! I'm going to use the double-adapter approach (ADC to DVI then DVI to VGA) for an inexpensive fix to one of our district machines. I can't thank all of you enough!