Recent content by Rasheed

  1. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Hi Giaguara, Grateful that you cared to is what i did and fixed my Administrator Account and now even the Trash is being emptied with a simple empty trash icon..:)....i went to Terminal and >>>> sudo rm rf~username/.Trash and now the Trash bin is working perfectly in my...
  2. R

    Trash bin never empty

    I managed to solve the problem Giaguara by adding an account!!It didn't have the problem when i tried it...however i wonder if u know how can i move all the files in my administrator account to the new account,that way i can make it the administrator account. Would backing up my files in TM and...
  3. R

    Trash bin never empty

    I managed to solve the problem Giaguara by adding an account!!It didn't have the problem when i tried it...however i wonder if u know how can i move all the files in my administrator account to the new account,that way i can make it the administrator account. Would backing up my files in TM and...
  4. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Regarding the users ...there is one user in my laptop and i did check the console while emptying the trash and nothing was mentioned in console!!!? Thanks
  5. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Yes i have downloaded Onyx and i did actually try using it several times...maintenance and tried emptying the trash from Onyx but it just freezes for a long time....but here Giaguara i searched this problem all over the net and it seems to be common!!i had an advice on OSX FAQ and the X Lab to...
  6. R

    Trash bin never empty

    do u think if i upgrade to Snow leopard things will work out?
  7. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Yes ofcourse i tried it!
  8. R

    Trash bin never empty

    well do u mean secure empty trash?would u elaborate plz.
  9. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Any unlocked file i send to trash,even my keynotes or pages documents stay there even when i empty the trash...the emptying sound is there but the files stay in the trash bin.
  10. R

    Trash bin never empty

    Since the time i bought my Macbook(late 2008,2GHz,2GB,160GB, Mac OSX 10.5.8)i have been trying to empty my trash using empty trash icon or Finder ,but it never empties though i hear the sound of emptying....may i also inform u that all the trash files are unlocked!! so i did verify the...