Recent content by Skiph

  1. S

    There has to be a way...

    "I" apologize. Seems as if everyone has been stepping on my tail lately, about one thing and another, and it is getting rather tender and bedraggled. My wife has gotten a Mac on my recommendation. Which is a good trick as I had never touched one before hers was delivered by UPS. So, I am...
  2. S

    There has to be a way...

    Could you try to be slightly more condescending? I almost missed that. In the highly touted "there are no Mac viruses" world, this should not be a problem. Also, I am downloading from trusted sites. Also, I should be able to over ride someone else’s opinion on what makes a "safe" file...
  3. S

    There has to be a way...

    Open office is working fine (considering that X11 is even needed). Yes, I have X11 installed. It does want to ignore the command-tab combo. I have to minimize everything to be able to get back to its page. Thank you. Skip
  4. S

    There has to be a way...

    If I click on a document link, I just want the document to open. I am using open office. I am new to the mac but not computing. Win/Unix/Mainframe yadda yadda... Right now if I click on a document link (e.g. dot doc), it opens a new browser window (not withstanding changing this option...