I have just built a Tiger server. For some reason, to access any other Mac server we have on our network you have to add .local on the end of the hostname
For example rivermacserv.local
When I'm trying to log into the new server from my machine I have to type rivereditorial.local...
Or...you could invest a little bit of money and roll out Universal Type Server and the Client, it's so much better than Suitcase and Suitcase fusion as it means the creatives are unable to drag in whatever fonts they fancy plus everyone is working from the same font set which in turn will reduce...
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section but has anyone out there been able to get Leopard/Snow Leopard/OSX too print to a Lexmark x6150 printer.
According to Lexmark they never developed Mac compatible software for this printer! I know that some generic drivers or drivers from the...
Did you find a solution for this? I have a G5 setup as a Mac Server. All clients could connect fine up until today but now get Connection Failed -14910 from all machines. Very strange, I've had to log them in as a local admin rather than using the AD log in details.
Thanks for getting back to me. I will give it a go as a last ditch attempt to get some data off. I have a new drive on order but if I can just get some user data off then that would be ideal!
I think a time capsule is definitely getting ordered this week!
Hi all
Has anyone out there experienced a dead drive after iTunes 8/software update?
I have a mid 2007 MacBook running Leopard, ran software update over the weekend....updates crashed so restarted then all I got was a grey screen!
Drive utility could see the drive but was unable to...
I have a rather annoying issue with the xraid we have in the office. Last week we had a break in, they took the xserve that the raid was connected too but luckily left the raid in the cabinet. Raid was connected via fibre cabling and I think when they ripped it out they screwed the disk array...
Hi all
I'm having a problem launching Cisco VPN client on my macbook air. I get an error saying "Error 51: Unable to communicate with VPN subsystem"
It's currently plugged into the network using the apple ethernet adapter which from looking around could be the cause.
I have tried...
Hi all
Anyone experienced problems with Entourage 2004 and Exchange?
I've had a problem recently where all entries in a users calendar completely disappeared, almost like they had been erased. Not sure if it's a bug or not but it's happened before only the first time a months worth of...
Cool, well just do whatever you need to do and I'll have a hunt around as well. It's so annoying now especially when I'm playing a networked game at work!
I want to play call of duty 2 multi player in a window rather than full screen. Does anyone how to get it working. Holding down the command key on launch does bring the window screen up but the option where you uncheck full screen is grey out.
Any ideas?
Hi all
I have a slight problem which I can't workout how to fix. I have setup and configured Leopard on one of our xserves. All working fine and I'm just testing out a couple of services.
The server is called Leo, I know how original! I have noticed when logging into leo that the domain is...
I need to create an applescript for which will remind people to do their timesheets at my work. I've created the script which is the easy bit but wondered if there is an easy way so that this script open's at the same time twice a day on every machine.
Well I got 10.5 server, activated the Wiki function so will have a play around. Only problem I have stumbled on so far is clicking on the calendar link, I get an error message "error from server:Error processing calendar data (210)" not sure how to resolve.
Also need to work out how to host...