Recent content by StevieB

  1. S

    OSX is not loading

    The computer is stuck on the apple screen with the spinning wheel. I can manage to boot up in safe mode but that is it. This arose from an apple security software download recently and when the machine went to reboot it could not. Now on a normal boot up it just sits on the grey screen with the...
  2. S

    Powerbook stuck on startup screen...HELP!!!

    Hey Doc! It is a Mac Power Book G4 which I bought a couple of years ago and when I recently downloaded an apple software security upgrade and re-booted the machine did not re-boot. I have tried to restart it and have done almost everything I can think of. I did get it into safe mode and...
  3. S

    Powerbook stuck on startup screen...HELP!!!

    Did you get this problem solved - if so, how as I have the same issue
  4. S

    Ekka - did you manage to solve this problem - I have exactly the same issue

    Ekka - did you manage to solve this problem - I have exactly the same issue