Recent content by thatcomputerguy

  1. thatcomputerguy

    Transplant TiBook hard drive to iBook?

    as bobw said - shouldn't be a problem. i moved a HD from my old tibook into an external drive for a while and then into a ibook. the opening of the ibook case is the only tricky part. take lots of photos and keep track of the screws you remove.
  2. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    the virtual switch vs shared network seems to have done the trick. i eventually managed to connect to the internet and just finished activating VISTA. very slow, you'll need a lot of patience for this one. i'm installing the updates now, and will keep everyone informed as to how it works...
  3. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    When the virtual machine is just starting up, hit the Delete key. I had to keep trying it before i got the right moment. tap it several times just to make sure If you hit it at the right time, though, you'll get into the BIOS setup screen. It's a pretty simple version of BIOS, without many...
  4. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    after a few attempts i did get the VMA installed, but whether they are working properly is something i'm not sure of. the setup at work is through a router, and i have DHCP turned on in Vista, but i'm thinking the virtual switch may be the ticket. i'll check it out in the morning.
  5. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    after i finally caught the "pc" in time when it was restarting to get into the bios, it all went smoothly enough. a little light reading on the web and a bit of playing and i got the network card working. it is dead dog slow to the point of being annoying. little things like emptying the...
  6. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    thanks - that's a thought. i have been using "shared" simply because it works fine with the other emulated OSes, but maybe virtual switch is better for Vista. i'll try it tomorrow and let everyone know if that made a difference. (i haven't figured out how to get the wireless working in VPC...
  7. thatcomputerguy

    What do Macheads read?

    Another vote for Douglas Adams, the man was a genius. Also, Spike Milligan is an old favorite that i'd forgotten about until recently and am "rediscovering".
  8. thatcomputerguy

    vpc7 and vista

    has anyone been able to successfully get the internet working on their mac with VPC7 running Vista? i've got vista installed on my ibook g4 and the network adapter seems to be working, but i am unable to connect to the internet. there has to be something i'm missing, but i've played and...