Would an iBook G3 700MHz and 256MB ram(will be upgraded to 640) be good or at least okay editing videos in iMovie? Because I want to buy one one eBay. I have an iMac g3 400Mhz and its terrible editing with iMovie, it takes about 3 hours to export a 6 minute video. Will the iBook been good enough...
I been wanting to upgrade my iMac G3 ram for a while now and I did all my research online and mactacker. I just wanted to make sure this will work for my Apple iMac G3/400 DV (Slot Loading - Fruit). I just wanted to make sure before I buy it on Ebay. Thanks to everyone who helps!
Hi I'm shopping on buying some ram for my ibook g3, I found one on eBay and was wondering if someone could please confirm to me this is compatible with the iBook G3 700MHZ. thanks so much whoever helps! Rep and Thanks!
Is it possible for my ical icon in my dock to automatically put the correct date? Cause everytime i look at it i keep thinking its the 17th. lol. Like this if anyone can please tell me a plugin or something it would be great. it aint a big deal, because i could just remove it from my dock. lol...
So i should just buy the firewire cables right? Like this one:
Yeah it came with a DV to usb wire but it only came with windows drivers. It would be nice just to use USB, so i can save 10 bucks, but i wouldnt know how to get it to work. But yeah it looks like the A/V OUT port looks compatible. I took another pic.
I don't really get it. I think this how it works. The 4 pin is for the camcorder and the 6 pin means its for the firewire? lol. Do I plug the 4 pin wire into the A/V port on my camcorder?
I got two firewire ports that looks like this:
And a DV and a A/V OUT port like this on my camcorder.