Recent content by VithorMoraes

  1. V

    Problems with internet

    Hopefully someone will be able to help me out >_< I'm not helping much myself, I know. lol By the way, additional info: When it happens on Chrome, the page name goes "SSL Error"
  2. V

    Problems with internet

    Firewall is on. Yes, it happens anywhere I am, college internet, local shopping mall internet, shitty 3G internet. Anywhere. lol
  3. V

    Problems with internet

    Doctor X, - Mac OS 10.6.8 - I use Chrome, mostly, but when the problem happens, it goes on with all browsers, I have the latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Opera. - Default Mac Firewall, I suppose. - 863... :D - Brazil. - Brazilian company, Net Virtua. Giaguara, It's a shame but I don't know...
  4. V

    Problems with internet

    Still happening. Ok, not only is it still happening but it's happening more often hahaha
  5. V

    Problems with internet

    Ok, I'll try that. But what exactly will I be doing? Not what "I will be doing", but what will I be changing by replacing the DNS. I know little (nothing) of computers deeply, I'm a simple music producer with a MacBook. :P
  6. V

    Problems with internet

    It randomly happens anywhere I'm connected, no matter where. But it doesn't happen with my phone or netbook using my provider.
  7. V

    Problems with internet

    Hello, it's been probably an year since I've been facing issues with my browsers (all of them) on my MacBook pro. Specific websites, specially Facebook, Tumblr and Google, act strangely, often giving me security issues notifications and/or 404 errors, SSL errors, or showing up with the...