Yes. You run Workgroup Manager, Macintosh Manager and whatever other control apps from a remote machine. I have these on my iBook and can VPN to our work OS X Server to fiddle about.
Once upon a time I had my Apache web server running with php and MySQL etc etc. All very impressive as I don't have any Unix experience.
Then I installed Mac OS X 10.2. That appears to overwrite httpd.conf files. No, I didn't back-up...
To get up and running I folowed an on-line tutorial...
Thanks. I had looked at CCC but it says it doesn't copy over a network....
Here's my problem. I have a PB G3 266 Wallstreet. I want to save the hard disk before messing with it. I have a Firewire disk with space to do this to. I'm connecting via a crossover ethernet to my iBook which has a...
I've a problem on a G3 Powerbook Wallstreet (I think). In 10.2 the modem doesn't work. I've tried the Apple Modem Updater and that has not fixed the trouble. I even did a clean reinstall and ran the Updater again. No luck.
Has anyone had success with the Updater, especially on a G3 PB 266...
I want to copy a Mac OS X 10.2 startup disk. I get a message saying I can't as some items cannot be read. What to do?
In OS9 I could just copy the whole disk no problem. How can I do the same in X?
I am correct in thinking there's a VPN client in Jagwire?
Anyone using it? Is it any good? What's required at the 'other' end to connect? The office have a NT server of some sort which I think allows VPN connections. Or can I connect to another Mac with 10.2 or would 10.2 Server be required...
I'm put off using Mail cos it insists on telling me that messages were sent at "03:45" when it should read "15:45".
Is that bug/feature fixed in 10.2?
Can you now select to place the insertion point *after* the quoted text when replying to messages?