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  • O, IC: UI I/O X in 3D | Unix, OS X, iOS & Braille = Accessibility & Abilities | VoiceOver :)
    Grazie Giaguara,

    I opened the trash and located the lock on the first file. The folder contains 437 of these little shits so I just pulled the whole file and have it sitting on my desktop like plutonium till I figure if there is a way to dispose of the hateful thing in one go?

    Baeza Spain

    Grazie Giaguara,

    Ho aperto il cestino e trova il blocco del primo file. La cartella contiene 437 di questi piccoli mierdi quindi ho solo tirato l'intero file e l'ho metto sul mio desktop, come il plutonio finché non figura se vi è un modo per smaltire l'odioso cosa in una volta?

    Baeza Spagna
    Ho visto che hai confermato su FB e LI. Ci ho messo un bel po' a scovarti! Cosa ne dici del mio Google-Fu? :-)
    Thanks Giaguara. I'll spend some time on the weekend working on it. I appreciate this link very much.
    Tanto lavoro, tanto stress, ma anche soddisfazioni. Vacanze rimandate a settembre. Certo che sono anche su FB e LI!
    Rhisiart here,

    Thanks for the very useful link re: Ubuntu/VMware Tools.

    I've decided to give up on having a virtual Linux OS on my Mac.

    I think I'll look out for a cheap Dell laptop and install it on that.


    P.S. I think iBooks have let Apple down. I don't rate them in terms of quality of hardware. Well that's my experience of them anyhow.
    Well English is my primary. Doesn't programs like Sherlock need languages for translation purposes though?
    You keep saying use DeLocalizer to get rid of languages you don't need. How do you know what languages you need or don't need. I see articles where people used this program and suffered...?????
    Hello Giaguara Please I need to know if you read and speak spanish,to help me with may issue,I'am not so technical god to write all about may problem in English.thank you
    To plagiarize nixgeek, I'm also pleased to accept your friend request, and didn't realize this function existed in Good, since I don't use any other social networking services :)
    Hey! Thanks for the friend request. I was more than glad to add you. :)

    I didn't even know the site had this functionality. I guess it's new with the recent server update?

    Take care!

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