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  1. S

    Make trackpad behave like in Mac

    You're looking for a sophisticated GUI feature in Windows? In XP no less???
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    My MB Pro Wireless Internet connection keeps disconnecting

    Good advice. I had done all that and updated to the latest version of firmware for the router. I still had trouble.
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    My MB Pro Wireless Internet connection keeps disconnecting

    I was having a lot of trouble and I searched for all the fixes that it seems you have found. In my case the thing that seems to have made a difference was maintenance. If my machine misses the periodic maintenance scripts (which it often does) WiFi starts to act up. You can run the...
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    .ds_store icon file can't rmove?

    You can try this little app... Show Hide Invisible files 1.6 I use it from time to time when I want to see invisible files in the Finder.
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    .ds_store icon file can't rmove?

    You mean the files which should be hidden are showing up? Or is it just the one file?
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    Help a newbe use Terminal

    Here's an easy way to do what you need to do. Download TextWrangler from , it's a free download. Once you have it and start it up let it install the command line tools or go to its prefs and tell it to install them. Now to edit a file in some low level directory you...
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    I think I can offer a simpler explanation. Spaces separate arguments for shell commands, they're part of the syntax. So if a file name (or any other part of the argument) contains a space itself you have to tell the command parser to ignore that particular space, not treat it as a...
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    Help! How can I get my Epson 4870 scanner to wear a Mac?

    Just make sure that after you get the scanner to wear the Mac it doesn't think the Mac makes it look fat. If it does it will never be happy and you'll have endless problems. (sorry, just couldn't resist)
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    PHP Installation - Blank Page

    OS X 10.6 ships with php 5.3 installed, it just needs to be enabled. It's in the /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf file One line needs to be uncommented (remove the # at the beginning of this line): #LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
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    hackintosh installation issue

    Wrong forum. We don't discuss those things here.
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    dvd multiregion; VLC won't work

    Check this thread:
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    tearing hair out…

    Get a copy of SuperDuper from . You can run it in trial mode to back-up the hard drive. Then you can boot from the back-up and run Disk Utility on the internal drive. Some machines can boot from USB and some can't, I've not paid enough attention to this thread to...
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    Manually setting DNS IPs when using DHCP

    It seems that OpenDNS is a little quicker and that confirms a comment that I read on the OpenDNS forums in which the poster listed times for both. He said it was not true for all countries but that it was the case in North America. My observation is only empirical, no measurements, but that's...
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    Manually setting DNS IPs when using DHCP

    For some reason I can't post an image or upload an attachment but here's what I just learned. I added OpenDNS to the DNS entries on my machine. Now I see the google IPs (grayed out) and the OpenDNS ones. I tried a garbage url as a quick test and I did end up in OpenDNS's search page so...
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    Manually setting DNS IPs when using DHCP

    Sure, the router has the DNS server set to google and I have it that way because others access the web via that wifi router. I'm trying to give everyone the best experience. I'm mainly trying to help answer the question posed in the original post...
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    Manually setting DNS IPs when using DHCP

    Mine is the same. I had assumed that it was telling me that it found a DNS server address upstream from me. Edit: That's what it is. When I turn Airport off the grayed out entries vanish. Turn it back on while still viewing the prefs DNS panel they reappear. This is why I decided to not...
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    Manually setting DNS IPs when using DHCP

    Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS (in 10.4 it was under TCP/IP) I have noticed an oddity though, I use Google on the Router and I also had it set in Network prefs. Safari sometimes would spend a long time on lookups, Firefox did not. When I removed the duplication, e.g. no...
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    Finding and Uninstalling Software

    Find any File is somewhat better than EasyFind. It will search as root if you press option while clicking the search button, faster too.
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    Contribute is broken

    I'll take it! Want my PayPal address?
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    Can I install a prior version of OS X on my bootcamp partition?

    You're right, the themes are absent but that's the only thing I can see wrong. If I can get hold of the themes somewhere I can create a download which contains all the pieces (the themes would need to be copied to app support) and make that available.