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  1. S

    Safari 4.0 beta

    I don't know. In a way it's more intuitive that you have a specific spot to grab if you want to drag the tabs around. I prefer it, less ambiguous, just different than before.
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    Safari 4.0 beta

    For a moment I thought I found something I didn't like. Zooming zoomed everything, images et al, like Opera. I don't like that so I went to prefs to see if there was an option for the alternative - zoom text only. It wasn't there but I found it in the View menu. I have F16 and F17 set to reduce...
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    Safari 4.0 beta

    I'm running WebKit now and it's Safari 4 with the WebKit engine so I don't have to switch from my established routine and shortcuts. I was never (and still am not) quite sure where WebKit takes over, how much of Safari it uses but I know more now.
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    Safari 4.0 beta

    It is really quick. I run Minefield (the pre-release version of Firefox) and I thought that was the fastest browser on this machine. Now it looks like Safari may hold that position. The rendering is very fast.
  5. S

    Safari 4.0 beta

    Sure enough, that works. I stay away from dodgy plugins because I run enough things that I don't want problems with plug-ins I don't really need. I was a little concerned because the Ars article mentions Google Gears and I was not sure if I still had that installed or not. Now I'm pretty sure...
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    Safari 4.0 beta

    I'm running it right now, reading this. Started right up with only one caveat. I have (had) KeyWurl installed and it told me it wouldn't load it as a precaution (I think it mentioned SIMBL in the message). Otherwise it's running flawlessly. I was expecting problems after reading the Ars article...
  7. S

    Use BBEdit 9 as text editor in the Terminal

    I've found MacFuse and sshfs surprisingly easy to install and use. I was using WebDAV to connect Versions to a Subversion working copy on a web server but it was not very reliable and pretty slow. So I tried out the above combination and it's pretty slick - fast and reliable. And if you wish...
  8. S

    Help me Start Mysql

    You'll have to earn your spurs. You'll probably want to use php to work with any database you set up. I suggest finding an open source php project (maybe phpBB) and getting it running on your machine. Then as you work with it, study it and begin to understand it you'll learn more and more about...
  9. S

    Help me Start Mysql

    Just open terminal and type this: cd /usr (return) and you're in /usr type: cd local and then: ls and you'll see it.
  10. S

    Help me Start Mysql

    It's in /usr/local There is a pref panel for starting it but I don't remember if that's a separate download.
  11. S

    Use BBEdit 9 as text editor in the Terminal

    It's not possible (I'm pretty sure). When you're logged into the server via ssh you're talking to the server. How is the server supposed to know what bbedit is? What the command means? I tried it long ago for fun, knowing full well it wouldn't work. Just use ftp, if you use BBEdit's...
  12. S

    Help... Enter Key Came Out!

    See my post at the macosxhints forum. That applies to a PowerBook keyboard but I'd bet that the Aluminum keyboards are much the same. I have an Aluminum keyboard but so far haven't had to reattach a keycap.
  13. S

    Stop Control-F11 from decreasing volume

    Did you set the Keyboard prefs to use the function keys as regular function keys? It's a checkbox. You then have to press function to get the system use of these keys. Which keyboard is it, the wireless or wired? I have the aluminum wired keyboard. There's also a system update for the...
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    Left to right viewing on regular monitor

    I seem to remember seeing a method for switching my display (Cinema Display) for left to right imaging here, i.e. a projection type view. Can anyone remember that?
  15. S

    Odd permissions occurance with ./private

    wheel it is: That was the setting it reverted to on the second pass. The first was wrong. I had to go way back, dragging things out of the receipts folder to a temporary one, then putting them back in groups and running permissions verify again and again. I finally got the culprit (from...
  16. S

    Odd permissions occurance with ./private

    And the group owner is? admin is 0 wheel is 80 So some package I installed recently has changed that. I just put in the Install dvd and it shows ./private as belonging to me. :mad: But the permissions last set match the ones you just posted.
  17. S

    Odd permissions occurance with ./private

    OK, I get that. But which way is correct? Can someone check their machine for me and let me know? Then I'll hunt down the offender. The question is: Which should be the correct group owner for ./private? Admin or wheel? Once I know that I can figure out which receipt package is causing the...
  18. S

    USB Drive will not format with Disk utility

    Have you tried formatting it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled)? If it’s generic and formatted out of the box it's probably formatted for Windows. You’ll find the formatting options under “Erase” in Disk Utility.
  19. S

    PHP & MySQL Problem

    Try Your phpinfo.php contains this I hope: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  20. S

    Odd permissions occurance with ./private

    This is what I’m getting from Disk Utility... Do you see what it does? It’s setting the ownership and permissions one way then immediately switching them back. This has not always been happening and I’m curious about it. It doesn’t seem to cause any problems. OS 10.4.11