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  1. S

    Where to go for web hosting

    For WebDAV you must use your primary credentials. In other words you can not log in via WebDAV using your own created ftp accounts/credentials which look something like u1223456-joe. The primary user name is in the form of u1223456 with no other suffix. The password will be the same as you...
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    Illustrator CS3, Colour fading when importing images

    Color profiles are a lot more important than you think. Visit this page: I know he's referring to web/browser color managment on those pages but exactly the same things happen in print. Search around the site for...
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    Does anyone know of a way to lock keyboard?

    I was reluctant to put lemon juice on the aluminum plated keys of the PowerBook but after the cat screwed up a 20 minute compile I did use lemon juice ALL OVER THE TABLE and on a cardboard cover I’d made by gluing two sheets of cardboard together. So far so good, she certainly doesn’t like the...
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    mac won't stay asleep

    I had this problem with usb devices. If you have some try unplugging them and see which is causing the problem. I have quite a lengthy thread on my problem and the solution.
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    Does anyone know of a way to lock keyboard?

    That’s what I’m already doing.
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    Does anyone know of a way to lock keyboard?

    Doesn’t work, already have that with a keyboard shortcut via applescript. Problem is that the lock screen/screen saver password does not disable keyboard input. It’s buffered so once you unlock, the buffer dumps the keystrokes or they’ve already been sent, one of the two. It can be...
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    Does anyone know of a way to lock keyboard?

    What I need is to lock the keyboard as if the machine is sleeping but not put the machine to sleep. If it sleeps my ssh session is killed. My cat is a perverse creature and she knows I hate it when she walks on the keyboard so she does it and she’s got two to choose from. Last night she did a...
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    ip address for .mac

    Network Solutions is jerking you around. They can get that info in a second.
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    Spotlight search

    Try NotLight. It's a very nice front end for SpotLight. Or another alternative is FileSpot, I've owned it since the beginning when it was Moru.
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    htaccess redirect question??

    You probably want to do frame forwarding not a redirect. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>hello</title> <meta name="keywords" content="hello" /> <meta name="description"...
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    Overlapped files?

    Yeah, trying to piece back all the scraps that DW finds is a job that one will do only out of desperation. Make sure he gets a back up disk and some kind of back up SW.
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    Enabling ACL on a 10.5.3 Leopard system

    TinkerTool System does a good job. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive and it’s a great app.
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    Does Anyone Still Have Their iBook G4?

    This may sound silly but I keep a bottle of talcum powder and a rag near my machine. My hands can get a bit sweaty and the touchpad is easier to use when my fingers don&#8217;t stick. Also, I know that no one else ever eats when they&#8217;re at their keyboard but I do, a little talcum powder...
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    sound not working/dock not showing

    Also check to make sure the sound is not muted. It’s in the sound prefs pane and there’s also a keyboard shortcut.
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    Is there a way to block applications?

    Create another user. Put the app in that user&#8217;s Application folder. /Users/newuser/Applications Don&#8217;t use that name unless you need to access the app. You can even type in garbage for the password while your eyes are closed if you want to go to extremes.
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    Safari 3.1.1 crashes immediately upon startup

    hmm... Pacifist doesn't want to open the package. How did you uninstall it? The readme says to run the installer again but choose uninstall.
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    Contextual Menu

    Rebuild the launch services database. Use Onyx or MainMenu. I find that I need to do this frequently.
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    Safari 3.1.1 crashes immediately upon startup

    First off we need to know what you installed. The crash report may be useful but let’s try the easy stuff first.
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    Unable to save using command-s

    First thing I&#8217;d do is check in Keyboard Prefs and see if I&#8217;d inadvertently assigned Command S to something else. Do you use any other keyboard macro program?
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    My latest switch: Safari to Firefox 3

    Another thing I found today via MacOSXHints is a pdf plugin for Firefox... firefox-mac-pdf It lets you view pdfs in Firefox. I’m on PPC and it works fine although at first it didn’t seem to work at all. I opened a PDF which consists purely of scan images, a tractor mower manual. I...