Search results

  1. Racer D

    Speed Up Safari

    ah, I see. I can notice some difference, but definatelly it's not as big as people here are saying. It is noticable in my lan, but on the internet, even with a 2mbit lan pages usually do take a second to load...
  2. Racer D

    Speed Up Safari

    guys, what exactly is so much faster? I tried setting this and noticed no change
  3. Racer D

    10.3.4 is out

    opengl update does not boost fps :D
  4. Racer D

    Saving hidden files?

    just create the file in terminal "touch .htaccess", open it in BBEdit and I believe you can save i now (command+s)
  5. Racer D

    [HOWTO] - make automatic backups

    in this howto I'd like to explain how to do backups of your files onto a samba share. I will show you how to do this free, without the use of some programs you have to pay for. Instead I created a shell script to do this for you. first of all, you need to have access to a samba share in...
  6. Racer D

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein

    ~/Library/Application Support/RTCW or something like that... search for a .cfg in there u have to have these ptions (they probably have different values ATM, so change em): r_mode -1 r_customaspect 1 r_customheight 1200 r_customwidth 1920
  7. Racer D

    WWDC predictions!

  8. Racer D

    pdf from multiple images?

    I'd like to create a pdf from a few jpg images (one image = one page). Is there some freeware I could use to do this? I tried CombinePDF but it makes kinda big files (3mb pdf from 600kb of images). any others?
  9. Racer D

    panther crashing too much lately

    I doubt it, since it would happen yesterday when I overloaded machine and it had load averages above 10 for more than 2 hours naodx: I'll see how much space /var/vm is gonna take, currently it's 64mb but I've just rebooted (sw update) I understand how preference files could affect an...
  10. Racer D

    panther crashing too much lately

    I always try to keep atleast 5gb free, but my disk was quite filled lately. And when multitasking, maybe OS X does eat up gigs of swap? is this possible? right now I have 13gb free, and when testing yesterday, maybe this helped it not freeze? I always wait around 10 to 15 minutes before I...
  11. Racer D

    automatic backups onto samba drive?

    hmm I'm kinda liking synchronize pro (the trial) but it's expensive :confused: find -x /mnt/point -type f -newermm /backup/time_file -print >> /tmp/file_to_back tar -cvf - --files-from /tmp/file_to_back | gzip > /backup/inc.`date '+%y-%m-%d'`.tar.gz as far as I understand...
  12. Racer D

    panther crashing too much lately

    I reinstalled, but didn't format... I just tried opening, running a bunch of stuff (my load averages were around 20), and it didn't crash. I gotta see how it handles to keep the disk busy for some time... dunno really how to debug with new user, cus sometimes it stays up for 2 weeks or...
  13. Racer D

    panther crashing too much lately

    ran the hw test and everything passed. checking video ram gave me some strange screens (black, white, blue, diagonal lines...) but that's probably normal? ran the "repair disk", and it said that my disk looks fine. if ram is the problem, hw test would probably say something about it...
  14. Racer D

    automatic backups onto samba drive?

    apple's backup seems to only work for .mac users silverkeeper has broken scheduling in panther they say :/ downloaded a trial of tri-backup, but didn't like it :/ seems kinda confusing and not really responsive.
  15. Racer D

    panther crashing too much lately

    panther (as well as jaguar before) used to work very stable for me. but for the last month or 2 it has been crashing every now and then. Today I reinstalled it (used the old preferences files and reinstalled some apps) and it just crashed. It always happens when the computer is quite "busy"...
  16. Racer D

    automatic backups onto samba drive?

    I decided I need to backup my documents regularly and now I'm looking for ways on how to do it. What I'd like is some application / script, that would check for differences between a folder on my disk and a folder on a mounted share and if there have been differences made it would copy the files...
  17. Racer D

    Apple News: MacOS 10.3.3 Update Released

    drag & drop your share into your startup items, it makes it mount ehn you log in
  18. Racer D

    Apple News: MacOS 10.3.3 Update Released

    btoth: use the connect to server (command + k) option in finder...
  19. Racer D

    Apple News: MacOS 10.3.3 Update Released

    cus I don't have them ;) quake3 is the only game on my disk
  20. Racer D

    Apple News: MacOS 10.3.3 Update Released

    no change in the graphics. got the same fps in quake timedemo as with 10.3.2 btw, what do they mean with network drives in sidebar / desktop, they've been there before...