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  1. uoba

    is this a good idea? can it be done? would U help?

    What, uh! eh! I thought this is what Photoshop/ImageReady/Go-Live & Fireworks/DW where meant to do (albeit not as "slick" as your way).
  2. uoba

    The new FrontPage!

    Hehe... wonder if the next version of Windows will run a similar ad! :)
  3. uoba

    Anyone Manchester, Uk tomorrow (Feb 17)?

    Mersssssseyside! (A little seaside town called West Kirby).
  4. uoba

    who pays for shareware?

    Yep, have bought a decent amount over the last few years. Funnily, since installing Panther, I haven't needed as much (just realised). xScope is proving to be super-useful. Transmit for me is the definitive OS X FTP app. CSSEdit is great, but gets a bit slow with a long CSS file (but is very...
  5. uoba

    Anyone Manchester, Uk tomorrow (Feb 17)?

    Then get yourself on down to this Mac auction! A local reseller went into liquidation, which could spell Mac heaven-like deals on tons of Mac equipment (new I think): Wish I could make it, I'm only 45 mins away :(
  6. uoba

    Dreamweaver preview of files on a lan.

    Someone else has noted a problem with previewing with Safari in DWMX 2004, not sure if it was even on a Windows network.
  7. uoba

    Apple will have a flagship London store.

    Very... it's a great location... right near Piccadilly circus where all the tourists traverse, and right near Soho and Covent Garden, one of the creative hotspots of London. Do you reckon the Queen will get a free iBook thrown in with the deal?
  8. uoba

    Can .ASP scripts run on OSX Server?

    The chilisoft one is still going, as you say, now under Sun. Just go to, it should take you to the correct Sun pages. There's also iASP from Stryon:
  9. uoba

    Code view complaint

    Hello Every time someone (myself included) adds code to a post, the code containing box extends to a stoopid width (about half a screens width off the right-hand site). Any chance of a fix?
  10. uoba

    DW04' Worth it?

    I only ever used to use DW. However, I now hand-code. The reasons being: tighter control, the overall feeling of knowing what's going on, faster development (yep, honest), and lower costs. However, as adept at XHTML/CSS that I am, I am no expert in the likes of PHP (sufficient, but not...
  11. uoba

    PHP Register_Globals

    Yep, this is fine to do (I think this is the purpose of the php.ini.default file anyway).
  12. uoba

    spread the word: the mac is a business computer

    That pretty much sums up what we've all known for years... if only Apple would tell the world! (put me in charge of Apple marketing for a day and I'll sort it out!) ;)
  13. uoba

    MyDoom successful?

    Yes, the implication from the corporations seemed to imply someone beyond simple script-kiddy activities.
  14. uoba

    Donation 2004/thoughts

    Just checked to see... someone's already registered Scott? Nope, some guy called Daniel Harris... such a far-sighted fellow. And Nope. No one has this.
  15. uoba

    PHP Register_Globals

    First of all. Do a test PHP file from your server with just this code in (you may know this, you may not): <?php phpinfo(); ?> Save the file on your web server and open it from your browser. It'll tell you all the info about your PHP install. The sixth row down should tell you where your...
  16. uoba

    Anyone tell me when...

    A 64-bit system would be nice as well ;) :) Noticed MS are throwing out betas of their 64-bit OS now.
  17. uoba

    Donation 2004/thoughts

    ... with flair?
  18. uoba join date? and Story

    Joined in... [EDIT... posts message, checks date, runs back in...] Aug 2001, posted fairly straight off the bat, then had a lull of inactivity for about 4-6 months. Now I am sorta regular, but not as much as I used to be (must be the change in diet). ;)
  19. uoba

    Donation 2004/thoughts

    Er... um... yes... How To: Get rid of the moved posts from the How To section ;) I'm talking generally... maybe I could contribute (would have to prise myself away from work though). There are two seminal How To's in that section... Admiral AK's Unix basics for Newbies, and the PHP and...
  20. uoba

    domain name mayhem...

    Oops, I got about 20 domains... better go check the detail :eek: