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  1. The Ghost

    New Settings?!?!

    Interesting. My apps weren't crashing. Is this feature new to Tiger? i never saw it under 10.3.4+.
  2. The Ghost

    iPod Mini: Unexplained Loss of Battery Life

    If you can take your iPod to an Apple Store, they will perform battery tests for you. They will have to keep it for a while. My battery was not nearly as bad as yours, and they simply gave me a new iPod--explaining that is more cost effective to proceed this way.
  3. The Ghost

    New Settings?!?!

    After upgrading to Tiger, the same happened to me on two apps. I said I did not want to use the new settings. Doing so took care of 1 app. Then, the next time the message came up on the other app, I said, fine, I'll use the new settings. I have not been bothered again.
  4. The Ghost

    Tiger eats 100% CPU

    I would imagine your problem is user fixable. What are 428 and 425? How did you install 10.4? Have you checked Activity Monitor/CPU usage.
  5. The Ghost

    Applications updated for Tiger (List)

    They should not have to be updated beyond what is required for 10.4 for 10.4.1.
  6. The Ghost

    G5's installation DVD can't be installed on other Macs ("This software cannot be...")

    I'll just mention that doing so would be in violation of the Apple Software license.
  7. The Ghost

    Do I have a problem with my airport card?

    I have only one location/trusted network setup. I think that all would show up using "Internet Connect," but since I only have one setup, I am not positive.
  8. The Ghost

    Networkin': Mac Mini and PC - will it work?

    What you want to do is totally doable. It might all work "out of the box." But, don't be surprised if you have some problems. Just post back. (1) Turn all computer firewalls off, and turn the router firewall on. (2) Printing to a printer connect to a PC sometimes can be challenging...
  9. The Ghost

    Airport Extreme Annoyance

    Check out this link. different users appear to have solved the problem different ways.
  10. The Ghost

    Cant live without it?

    Can't live without: Sharepoints Edit: MS Office Makes things faster/easier: Cocktail Preferential Treatment Font Finagler Backup 2 (.Mac) Pacifist MacStumbler WhatSize Not really needed yet, but very good: Little Snitch
  11. The Ghost

    Firewire drive kills 10.4

    Thanks for letting us know.
  12. The Ghost

    Firewire drive kills 10.4

    You are very welcome. Which fix worked?
  13. The Ghost

    Tiger Shuts Down At Beginning of Install

    Here is some install troubleshooting info related to Tiger.
  14. The Ghost

    Do I have a problem with my airport card?

    You probably know as much about wireless as I do. So, I presume that you have added the networks as trusted networks. Also, you might try setting up a separate location for each network if you have not done so (but I never have needed to on my iBook).
  15. The Ghost

    Applications updated for Tiger (List)

    From what's said on their sites or personal experience, I have confirmed that, in addition to those mentioned above, Font Finagler, MacStumbler, Pacifist, and Preferential Treatment are good to go with Tiger.
  16. The Ghost

    Tiger Server Vaporizes SCSI Drives

    This info might help. Hope so.
  17. The Ghost

    Tiger and Office 04

    For just in case, I hope you have a clone of your internal on a firewire external or a disk image of your internal on an external or another networked computer. Be sure and uninstall Virex if you are running it; Tiger and Virex are incompatible. The Virex uninstaller is available on McAfee's...
  18. The Ghost

    Tiger eats 100% CPU

    Definitely me too.
  19. The Ghost

    Tiger eats 100% CPU

    Thanks fryke. Duely inserted into memory banks.
  20. The Ghost

    Firewire drive kills 10.4

    I just remembered about a thread that gives 2 possible solutions if your drive is the appropriate type of Maxtor--file deletion and driver installation. The thread also identifies general steps to take if the problem is the firewire port(s). So, particularly if you have a Maxtor, then you may...