Search results

  1. symphonix

    iPod Touch: An iPod & Computer In Your Pocket?

    Also, YouTube was announced since then. I wouldn't be surprised to see Adobe or Amazon's eBooks added in the next 12 months, either. I think there is a big gap between what customers think they want and what they'll actually buy. When Apple finally caved in to all those people begging for...
  2. symphonix


    It's either of two things: * A hardware problem, for instance if the speaker wire (which comes from the speaker to a little clip on the main board) has gotten caught in the casing somehow and is shorting out, then you might get buzzing, lose audio when the chipset's failsafe fuses cut in, and...
  3. symphonix

    New Mac Book

    If they do release a sub-notebook that has no optical drive, then I for one will be impressed. In this day and age, a thinner notebook, with a USB optical drive tucked safely away in your bag, would be a far more sensible option all around for most users.
  4. symphonix

    Wireless Network Strengthening Solution??

    That should be "know-nothing". ;) Oh, by the way, don't get anything expensive for student accommodation. I'd whip up a home-made Cantenna as the first option:
  5. symphonix

    Leopard - 1 week to go?

    If recent history is anything to go by, the major media outlets will hang Apple out to dry if there are any reports anywhere on the Internet of anyone not being completely happy. CNN aired their first iPhone complaint story only 10 minutes after the official release (the story claimed that...
  6. symphonix

    Connect Xbox 360 to 24" iMac

    I feel I should warn you against any video input device as a way of using your iMac for a screen for your XBox. Almost all of these devices are designed for getting video into your Mac, and not for gaming, therefore they typically have a delay in bringing video in due to the transcoding. Playing...
  7. symphonix

    Leopard - 1 week to go?

    I doubt it. Its not like it'll be a surprise to anyone watching Apple. Leopard looks great, though. I'll certainly be ordering it. :)
  8. symphonix

    Is Steve Jobs still an angry man?

    I think all of us have changed a lot since 1984, Steve Jobs included. :p However, I do picture him as being a difficult guy to get along with. I remember in the MacWorld immediately after Pirates of Silicon Valley and Noah Wyle opened the keynote by walking on stage in his Steve Jobs persona...
  9. symphonix

    Possible to video conference on PB G3?

    I'm pretty sure that when Apple first released the iSight and iChat AV, they set it so that it wouldn't run on G3s slower than 600mhz. This was a decision they took to ensure people wouldn't be running it on machines that aren't going to give good results, but it annoyed a few people (back then...
  10. symphonix

    Opinion: Mac Mini vs iMac?

    While the Mac mini is a great little machine I think today's iMacs are an absolute gem: beautiful, well featured, easy to live with and affordable. I think the iMac will have a higher resale in the long run and will be a better performer for video and photo stuff. I'd hook up that 19" LCD as a...
  11. symphonix


    Generally it is not that much of a difference these days. The Mac platform does have a few technical advantages (better caching and memory management) and a few interface advantages (Expose) but from a technical standpoint the difference is nowhere near as marked as it was in the 80s and 90s.
  12. symphonix

    Recording things streaming from iTunes.

    There is also StreamRipper (which hasn't been updated in a couple of years) And iShout, also hasn't been updated in a while, but should do the trick.
  13. symphonix

    iPod Touch: An iPod & Computer In Your Pocket?

    I think that Apple will need to, at the very least, provide the same feature set from the iPhone on the iPod touch or risk seeing a high percentage of the iPod touches on the market being modded and hacked. If it were just a couple of little projects out there trying to get Linux or Mame...
  14. symphonix

    Cover Flow Remains Superfluous

    Well, Fryke, you'll be pleased to hear that the Finder's icon view and preview pane have both been improved dramatically in Leo (as I shall now call it). You can (at least on some of the developer previews) flick through the pages of a document, and bring it up to a very large size, right in...
  15. symphonix

    Cover Flow Remains Superfluous

    Nope. The spotlight / metadata file system creates preview images of all files as they are written. This means if you save a 100 slide Keynote presentation, it'll process in the background just after saving and store all 100 slides as fairly-low-resolution preview images in the metadata system...
  16. symphonix

    iPod Touch: An iPod & Computer In Your Pocket?

    Well, I'm pretty much getting one (I've asked Santa). I mean, yes its an iPod with video and a widescreen. That alone probably makes it worth the price, but the clincher for me will be Safari and Wi-Fi. Since I already have a wireless network at home, and can easily find them where I work or...
  17. symphonix

    Wiki notepad suggestions, for Windows + Mac + Linux

    I've been using MoinMoin Desktop Edition on my work PC. It's not *exactly* what you're after since it is essentially just a wiki server that you load in the background and access through your web browser at localhost, but I've found it does the job for me.
  18. symphonix

    Cover Flow Remains Superfluous

    That's pretty much how I saw it. "Hmm. That looks pretty awesome. I doubt I'd actually use that, but I bet that'll win some people over to Mac." :rolleyes: Now if they just make a pink iPod touch, they'll corner the market. :( That said, the new Finder in Leopard is really nice. Icons are at...
  19. symphonix

    What Do You Think of the new iPods?

    It sounds like people are just jumping to conclusions on what the iPod touch will or won't do before we've even seen the first reviews and working demonstrations. To quote Apple, the screen is perfect for "entering calendar events, or adding new contacts." so yes, that functionality will be in...
  20. symphonix

    importing Movies

    There isn't really a fast-transfer method for VHS that will work. The VHS mechanism relies on a spinning, angled head that lays the video tracks in a series of diagonal lines across the surface of the tape. That is why when you fast-forward, it looks so vague and weird - your player is only...