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  1. J

    Fire and MSN, please help...

    MSN still does not work. This is the latest from Version-Tracker, but i will check the developers site. Good idea though!!! Thanks, Jason
  2. J

    Fire and MSN, please help...

    I have never been able to use MSN on Fire. Can someone please take a look at their setting and let me know the server and port they are using. Mine reads - Server Port 1800 Second, do you use user or as login. Fire says the is not needed...
  3. J

    Finder Issues.... What's Going On!!

    Sorry for the repost, but I really need some help with this issue. I had added a few items that seem related for clarification. 1. My desktop consists of a blue screen, i.e. the blue screen that appears while booting. When the login window appears, I have the login box overtop the Aqua.jpg...
  4. J

    No desktop picture and finder problem...

    After setting up my computer with 9.2 and 10.1 (everything going smoothly) I decided to have sys pref start classic for me, and a few apps upon startup. I restarted and logged in, my iBook went though the entire process autorunning the terminal, sherlock and preview, and classic was booting up...
  5. J

    I am so jazzed about 10.1

    this morning on first launch my apps would bounce as follows IE 2 Mozilla 3 for splash then a estimated bounce count of 10 OW 16 After the reinstall on first lauch IE 1 Mozilla 1 for splash then an estimated bounce count of 6 OW 3 After the Mozilla splash the app stops bouncing...
  6. J

    I am so jazzed about 10.1

    OK, so I did a clean reinstall of OS9.1 and X10.0.3 then updated each on seperate partitions. It took about an hour or so to finish this process on my new iBook Fire Wire (by the way, does my little iBook have a name like so many other macs, i.e. wallsteet) . I did a quick backup of all my...
  7. J

    Clean Install and setting up swap...

    First of all I have the new iBook Fire Wire with 384 ram, 500 mhz, combo drive, 10GB HD. Say I want to do a clean install, and I have the OS9 and OS 10.0.3 install disk, along with the update CD's for 9.2.1 and 10.1. I am going to want to use disk utility on the 10.0.3 installer to format...
  8. J

    10.1 performance report

    Everything as advertised thus far. Menu resizing is a joy now. I am burning a CD right now, and already watched a few chapters of Me, Myself and Irene on the DVD. A few issues thus far is that the DVD Controller will not allow me to FF or Rew. I also don't like the Login screen which...
  9. J

    Follow on Apache, and now FTP

    OK, I apologize, I am a moron, it is now working. If anyone is having a problem starting apache as a user rather than root, maybe this will help. Once again I am sorry for taking up this space. As I kept revising this message I got it to work, lol :D OK, so when I am log in as root and...
  10. J


    I should have mentioned that. I was assuming you were just removing some shareware/freeware from your application folder. There really is no need to log into root if you are a novive user, except to delete items, and change the appearance of items that you do not have sufficient privilages...
  11. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    Got it all up and running, I even had a friend confirm that she was able to access the site. Now my questions has to do with security. Say I want folks to have access to one folder, and all subfolders. I don't want them to touch anything else. /Library/Web Server/Documents/ and the...
  12. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    So I can forward the port 80 requests from the Base Station to my iBook static IP. This can be accomplished using the Base Station Air Port Admin Utility. Does anyone know what I need to have in each space. Private Port: ? ( I assume this is 80) Private IP: ? (incidently by default the...
  13. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    OK, so I am able to assign the iBook a static IP, but in order to communicate with the base station, the address has to be 10.0.1.X (where X is 2-27). Problem is, the Sislynk forwarding utility only allows you to forward to IP's that look like this, 192.168.1.X. So now what, it seems like...
  14. J


    Log in as root, assuming it is enabled. If it is not enabled you will need to do so. Off the top of my head, I can't remeber how to do so, I think it is in the NetInfo Utility, located in your utilities file. If root is enable, you can drag and drop the folder into the trash, if you logged...
  15. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    I manually assign my iBook the IP address X.X.X.102, and set the netmask to, and set the gateway to the basestation's IP address. When I save, and reload this page, this page will not reload can't be found. If I change the gateway to the routers internal IP, the same thing...
  16. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    I have tried to assign my iBook a static IP, X.X.X.102, but when I do so I lose my internet connection. The only time I am able to connect to the rest of the world is if I use DHCP from the basestation. I will give it another shot, but if memory serves me, it has never worked. Assuming I...
  17. J

    Apache, Airport and Linksys question....

    Is it possible to host a website with an iBook using an Airport. The basestation is assigned an IP of, and is behind a Linksys DSL Router at I have disabled the DHCP service on the router because in order to enable request forwarding. This is not an issue because I...
  18. J

    XFree86 software on OS X

    everyone is right, the screenshot above is due solely to Fink and a bunch of help from folks here and at Macnn. I am updating all my packages as we speak, my Terminal is compiling all the packages as I type. :D
  19. J

    XFree86 software on OS X

    I am able to the following on my iBook. By the way I have tripled my ram since this screenshot was taken, so everything jumps a bit better now. Blackbox (window manager) with Gnome running rootless over XDarwin with the patch from