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  1. Kristjan

    Terminal and keyboard...

    Symlink? Hehe, you lost me. I'm a *nix newbie, :). Like an alias in Mac OS 9? How do I do this? And what about 'libintl.h' and the other file? Can 'symlink' these aswell? Do you know anything about that?
  2. Kristjan

    Terminal and keyboard...

    Endian: No, that's not it. I have installed the Developer Tools CD. Perhaps gcc and the other files are in the wrong place, or something? And what about what Finnboo tells us? That there is no way to get to get 'regional characters' working in Terminal. Can someone confirm this? Thanks...
  3. Kristjan

    Terminal and keyboard...

    My *nix friends told me to change my keymap in a program called Kbd. This program isn't installed in Darwin, so I tried to compile it myself. When I run configure I get an error though. Like this: - [localhost:/Users/kristjan/kbd-1.06] root# ./configure Configuring for...
  4. Kristjan

    Terminal and keyboard...

    Hello... Is there any way to change the keyboard mapping in the terminal (and BitchX) so that I can use swedish characters (åäö)? When I'm in the terminal I can't even type any swedish characters. In BitchX I can atleast type them, but they don't look right to the people I'm talking to...