Search results

  1. Will_Richo

    [HOWTO] - Increase your mouse's MAX speed...

    Ok so now im really confused. Read this link to try it. But read the whole thing and found this one on the end. LOL. Sorry Rashid. Guess i will wait to see some more posts. Im on 10.3.5 New user and on 1280 x 854 15.2 pbook. Was sooooo looking forward to a faster tracker. We will see. :eek:
  2. Will_Richo

    Mac Cube?

    Hi. It is a good friends father who is selling it. I have just seen it has put it on e-bay also. No 5123268756 and the monitor 5123440586 5 days to go and at £417 combined at present. Are they good? and also do you know what the max ram allowed? Thanks :)
  3. Will_Richo

    Apple probed for 'ripping off' customers

    AS ALWAYS the good old UK public are charged more than the EU. Typical ::ha::
  4. Will_Richo

    Mac Cube?

    Hi, I am looking for some advice on a Mac Cube that i am being offered to buy. It is a G4 450- 256 ram, 20 gig hd, with ir mouse, speakers, int dvd, external cdr, and 17'' edge to edge mac digital monitor. Oh also an airport card installed. os9 and panther. ALL MAC ORIGINAL H/WARE AND DISCS...
  5. Will_Richo

    GMail Invites

    Thanks Ora, set up and checking it out. Looks good so far. Thanks Again. Will :)
  6. Will_Richo

    GMail Invites

    Yes please :o I wiuld like to try it out if you would be so kind. Any invite here please Mucho Gracias!
  7. Will_Richo

    Online Scrabble

    Thanks. Left the wife happy today as she can get her fix on the Powerbook. She used to play on there a while ago, but they apparently removed scrabble from the site? Better now it is back on. Thanks Again.
  8. Will_Richo

    Apple laptop displays

    I agree! I have used Windoze for 11 years, and have had lots of laptops and base stations, thought that my tft screen on my p4 was good, until i got the 15 powerbook, could not believe how good the screen was/is. 1280 x 854 I love it :o
  9. Will_Richo

    Post your desktop!

    Wow. Cigar Where do you get all these nice features from, for example the clock/wlan indicators. The Weather info, the green battery icon is cool..... :cool:
  10. Will_Richo

    System shootouts

    ;) Very informative. Thanks
  11. Will_Richo

    Online Scrabble

    My wife plays scrabble on line using one of my xp machines, I would like to have her play it on the Mac. I have looked at the site she uses and it is windoze only download, or JAVA on os 9, i have tried it on os9 and the java does not load all of the buttons etc? Does anyone know where one can...
  12. Will_Richo

    iPod and Gapless Playback -- Sign the Petition!

    ::sleepy:: Oh my ! Is this a drive to get more postings or something? Sounds like MB wants something he can get elsewhere? Why bother Apple at all? :confused:
  13. Will_Richo

    Help please---Best MAC for home use? (LOW PRICED)

    Many Thanks for all the replies. I have lots to go over. I really appreciate it. I have decided to sell my g4 powerbook and buy an i mac. I will be putting it on e-bay and on here. If any-one is interested drop me a line. Huge Thanks again. Will :D
  14. Will_Richo

    Help please---Best MAC for home use? (LOW PRICED)

    Hi, Hope i have posted this in the correct section. I am looking to purchase another MAC. I have just got a G4-Powerbook titanium earlier this year for my wife to use (Got it of a friend for £500.00, think i got a good deal?) I have put Panther on it, and installed an airport card. Works great...
  15. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    UPDATE All systems now OK. Downloaded updates from apple, and hey presto safari works again. Huge thanks to you both. :D My ventures with the Powerbook now continue. ::alien:: Regards Will.
  16. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    Yeah, tried but now spits the d1 out? i installed all the components on disc 2. But still does not make safari run??? Is there a way of de-install & re-installing safari?
  17. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    Seems to have worked. However, whilst running the second install disc the mac said it could not complete and i havd to quit? Now Safari will not run!!! But i can mount now! LOL. :confused:
  18. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    Thanks. Tried the repair 1st by starting in safe mode. Then when restarted it was still not working. Si i am now doing the Archive and install. Will let you know how i get on as soon as it is done. Cheers
  19. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    I have tried the new user and as you guessed. It did not work. I have a copy of all docs i need. Can you tell me how i reformat? Also will i loose all my programmes, like Word excell etc? Thanks :rolleyes:
  20. Will_Richo

    Images failed to mount, error 536870208

    Hi Zammy-Sam. Thanks for the hint ref upgrading. Wish i had joined the forum earlier. I did upgrade, but i may have got my numbers mixed up, as i have said MAC is new to me, but i want to learn. I was on a very low osx that would not run msn messenger 4 etc, so i purchased 10.3.5 and as...