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  1. BjarneDM

    n00b questions about mysql on Tiger

    I't not installed in 10.4 Client. will give you everything you need. Or you can compile it yourself using the instuctions I've posted.
  2. BjarneDM

    Changing default web browser preference

    well, you actually do that through the Safari preferences under the 'General' settings !
  3. BjarneDM

    power of administrator ?

    Well, Mac OS X (and Ubuntu Linux) has a three tier level of accounts: - root (or 'God Mode') which is initially disabled - administrator; with extended rights, and the ability to temporarily raise to the level of root if necessary - users; "mere mortals" Administrator accounts are...
  4. BjarneDM

    New 2.5" for G4 powerbook Titanium

    These two sites have all the information needed:
  5. BjarneDM

    Partitioning: What? Why? When? and How?

    Moving users: Modifying the home directory in 'Netinfo Manager' along with some work in Terminal.
  6. BjarneDM

    Partitioning: What? Why? When? and How?

    As to a drive going bad, usually it's just a single partition that's gotten it's data corrupted in some way. In that case having separate partitions really helps. On the other hand, if the whole drive dies, there's not much one can do except sending the whole drive to a resque service. And...
  7. BjarneDM

    Partitioning: What? Why? When? and How?

    I'm splitting my HardDisks up into at least 4 partitions: - swap - Mac OS X - Other Programs - Users swap: This is to keep the swap from filling up the Mac OS X partition and awoiding fragmentation of the individual swap files. Also useful for Photoshop, Gimp, Graphic Converter swap...
  8. BjarneDM

    Compling MySQL for Mac OS X client

    If it's a first-time install, you'll have to follow the instructions given here: - suitably modified of course. Also, if you want to be able to just run the MySQL commands without first cd'ing to the MySQL bin directory...
  9. BjarneDM

    Q Re Resetting Nic (mac Unix)

    how about: sudo ifconfig en0 media autoselect ?
  10. BjarneDM

    Compling MySQL for Mac OS X client

    Forgot to write, that you'll need to have installed DarwinPorts as described here: or modify the paths and replace 'darwinports' with 'usr' where appropriate.
  11. BjarneDM

  12. BjarneDM

    Div + PHP include....

    You are using <layer> around the drop-down menu for "afdelingen". <layer> is depreceated and was only ever present in Netscape 3 & 4. But your news-div looks great now :)
  13. BjarneDM

    Div + PHP include....

    1) get rid of the whole <layer> thingy. It's only supported in Netscape 3 & 4: 2) apply the css2 overflow property to the div:
  14. BjarneDM

    Compiling Postfix with MySQL support for Mac OS X client

    You'll have to modify the sendmail_path in your php.ini to be: sendmail_path = /Library/Postfix/sbin/sendmail -t -i in order for PHP to be able to use your version instead of the one supplied by Apple.
  15. BjarneDM

    Compiling PHP5 for Apple Apache 1.3

    No php.ini file will be installed, so you'll just get the inbuilt defaults. Two versions of php.ini can be found in the root of the source folder. If you want a php.ini it has to be stored in /Library/PHP5/lib/
  16. BjarneDM

    External Hard Drive Problem

    You are writing '24GB project'. Is any single part of the project bigger than 2GB ? If so then that might be the problem. I've just had to move some DVD *.iso's from one computer to another, and both Findes as well as 'Path Finder' refused to move them instead giving errors. The iso's in...
  17. BjarneDM

    php mail() function
  18. BjarneDM

    External Hard Drive Problem

    There's a bug in Finder when moving files to/from external harddrives which results in one getting errors like the one you are reporting. Try using the Finder replacement 'Path Finder' instead. I've had Finder hang the whole computer when moving stuff around to/from my external HDDs, so I've...
  19. BjarneDM

    Personal Web Sharing not starting

    You are writing that you used 'apachectl' to control your settings. But did you just use 'apachectl (start|stop|restart)' by itself, or did you use 'sudo apachectl (start|stop|restart)' ? There's a huge difference between those two as the first version tries to run Apache as the user issusing...
  20. BjarneDM

    Airport: Port mapping for web sharing on multiple computers?

    1) In the httpd.conf file you'll need to modify the Listen parameter and then restart Apache. 2) But it shouldn't be necessary to change anything in httpd.conf provided you set your routing table up correctly. You ought to be able to set up the table in this way : [outsideIP]:8080 ->...