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  1. P

    iPod = Lame

    First off, I agree with ElDiabloConCaca. At first glance, the iPod is just another MP3 player, just as an Apple is just another computer. But it is Apple's quality, ease of use, and integration that seperates Apple's computers from Wintels. The iPod is a seriously speedy and portable 5GB...
  2. P

    gloreous picture icons

    Here's an easy way to do it without Graphic Converter, but you have to do one at a time: 1. In Preview, open a graphic file 2. Choose Copy (Command + C) The entire graphic is now copied to the clipboard 3. In Finder, select the file's icon 4. Show Info (Command + I) 5. Select...
  3. P

    Cute easter egg found...

    Holding down OPTION + MINIMIZE minimizes ALL windows of said app. It would be nice if the reverse were true - namely, holding down OPTION + click on a Docked Window would maximize ALL wondows of an APP. Anyone else interested? Please send feedback to Apple. Have fun!
  4. P

    What do you miss least about Mac OS 9?

    rkadowns, are you talking about: 1. Sping-loaded folders (wear you could pause over a folder and it you sring open, and then the next, and the next...)? or 2. Tabbed Folders that popped-up from the bottom of the desktop? After that, what do you miss LEAST in OS 9?
  5. P

    Window resizing

    I think you're correct about Cocoa apps having to use live window resizing. I know when I had a NeXTstation, it had this, along with live window moving. Since Cocoa is based upon the NeXTSTEP OS, it probably just carried over. I'm not really having any problems with resizing on my Cube...
  6. P

    Why isn't there right-click in OS X yet?

    I don't think that Apple needs to introduce a two-button mouse. If you want a two, three, four,...button mouse, please pick one up. However, I like the fact that Apple designs it system to function with a single button - its the simplest solution. Plus, why do you need two buttons when it...
  7. P

    What do you miss least about Mac OS 9?

    I am NOT missing: 1. The Finder - I love the new multi view Finder, especially Column View 2. The App switcher - Love the Dock and its customization 3. The old Apple Menu - Love the new 'System' centered Apple Menu, and Docked folders 4. Memory Management - for obvious reasons 5. The...
  8. P

    Would someone please...?

    Where are you in PA? I'm in PA, but live about 100 miles from the nearest CompUSA--thought I was sheet out of luck, but called local Cicuit City's and they had more than enough to go around. They went through their first shipments quickly over the weekend, but are fully restocked now...
  9. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    They didn't make any mention of java / script support in their email. But they did mention that 4.1 would include numerous improvements to speed and support--along with feature enhancements/additions. They didn't say it would be out in Sept in my email, just that it could be expected shortly...
  10. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    I sent in a couple feature suggestions to OmniWeb and received a response back in August. The gist of the response was: Some of my requests are being investigated by the engineering team, but others would be implemented in OW 4.1--which will come out about the same time as OS X 10.1. Guess...
  11. P

    Whats in store in 10.2 and 10.3??

    AdamS4. I don;t think it wasd 10.2 & 10.3 that were at 9/12 o'clock, but rather the adoption cycle.
  12. P


    I thought that earlier G3 models weren't supported because they used DVD HARDWARE acceleration instead of software, which OS X's DVD player requires...? I could be wrong on your particular model, but I'm pretty sure your model supports OS X--just not the DVD player.
  13. P

    5G59 -- May be of some interest to you...

    I realize that this is a minor issue considering all that 10.1 is purported to offer, but... My iTunes Visualize performance is dagnabbit bad. Is this at all addressed in this 10.1 and associated iTunes update?
  14. P

    Rhapsody mockup shot, circa 1997

    I'd just like to point out quickly (it's a little off topic) that the icons of the OS X dock can have just as large an area for clicking as those in the NeXT dock--if not larger. Per the Apple Aqua HIG, it is up to the application developers to define the clickable-area mask of the Dock icon...
  15. P

    Internet Connect 'jitters'

    I can't remmebr where i read it, but this is apparently a known 'bug' with Apple and they are working on it. i believe the article mentioned that it would be addressed in 10.1 -- but isn't everything...?
  16. P

    How to enable focus-follows-mouse?

    There are two (2) ways of handling different 'virtual' workspaces in OS X (that I know of)... The 'softer' one is to go to and download MenuStrip. It's a shareware that pops up a timed panel asking you to register evey once in a while. It puts a series of gummi buttons...
  17. P

    OSX windows don't stay like 9

    I forgot about the icon thing. Mine occaisionally move around, but try these two (2) items: 1. Click on the dektop and choose Finder Preferences. Make sure you don't have 'Keep Arreanged by Grid' (?) selected. 2. Go to her 'Desktop' folder in her ~/home/ folder. Select View Options...
  18. P

    Bug or Feature?

    If you option+click or command+click or shift+click (I can't remember which), it brings all the windows to the front... Personally I LOVE the interleaved windows, and being able to manipulate windows without bringing an entire application and all of its windows to the front. I bet this is a...
  19. P

    Is this possible?...

    What are your system specs? DOes it really take 20-30 minutes for Classic to start up? That certainly doesn't seem right? Application launches of 20-30 bounces are occaisionally witenessed, but Classic should really only take about the same time to start-up. Perhaps you are running with...
  20. P

    Internet Connect 'jitters'

    Is anyone having this problem or have a solution? I have a G4 Cube (I don't know if the problem is system specific...?) running OS X 10.0.4. This problem used to be occassional (since installing 10.0.0), but has now become a regular occurrance. When I click 'connect' through Internet...