Search results

  1. P

    Small "bubbles" on OSX screen

    I don't have the script handy, and I can't remember where I picked it up, but you can get rid of these without having to log all the way out. You can run an Apple cript to tell application Dock to quit There's one or two more steps, but it kills the Dock app which then immediately...
  2. P

    OSX windows don't stay like 9

    I think you also need to go to the Finder Preferences and check the box marked with something like: "Keep same view when opening folder..." That way, if you are in icon view, and you double click a folder, it will automatically open the new window in icon view. If you don't, I think OS X...
  3. P


    I agree with the posters that Apple is holding off on 'themes' in order to create brand recognition. I also think that Apple is holding off on 'themes' in order to enforce Trade-Dress trademekaing issues. I know a lot of people believe that the turning point for Apple was the day it lost its...
  4. P

    Rhapsody mockup shot, circa 1997

    I would still like to see Tear-Off menu's in OS X. Instead of the vertical NeXT style menu list, they could simply tear off the existing OS X horizontal menu bar. I used to arrange submenu's with frequently accessed features around my documents in each application to speed my workflow. Not...
  5. P

    Rhapsody mockup shot, circa 1997

    This is a VERY telling screenshot! The Dock in this image is obviously broken out into tabbed sections! I would LOVE to see tear-off menus finally make it over to OS X. I loved them in NeXTSTEP. The flat, bright color scheme screams M$ Luna. In keeping with M$'s history of stealing the...
  6. P

    Tricks the Dock CAN'T do

    I very much like the idea of the 'caution triangle' or an exclamation point appearing superimposed over the Dock icon. I also like the idea of the color being dependent on severity--I think... Personally, I am against the blinking, twisting, turning,...any kind of animation for this. I...
  7. P

    We have to pay for 10.1!!!

    I don't know why I'm posting on this overbaked discussion, but... If there is a download, there is a download. If there isn't, then obviously we'll have to take the CD's. When I purchased OS X 10.0 I knew that there were certain features missing--as I hope anyone did when they purchased...
  8. P

    Geforce2 MX

    I thought about upgrading my Cube graphics card to the ATI Radeon before it disappeared from Cube availability, until... I realized that the Radeon has an onboard fan. One of my favorite things about the Cube is it's quiet operation, and the fan would just ruin my day. FYI: Apple used to...
  9. P

    Tricks the Dock CAN'T do

    "You can't use a banana to open a can of tuna? That is idiotic beyond comprehension. I do it every day, without breaking the skin!" Buh-dum-dumm! Don't forget to tip your wait staff ; ) But seriously folks, for how I use my Cube, I have no problems with the Dock, in and of itself. I...
  10. P

    no more transparenty menu please?!?!

    I have seen alot of complaints about the speed of menus in OSX, and I just don't understand it. I have no problems--they snap open, drill-down, and respond quickly. The only times there are pauses are: 1. Font Menu in AppleWorks with 'Display Font' option active 2. Menus from Docked...
  11. P

    MacOS XI?

    I'd just like to point out that I just used the 'click first letter of a file name' the other day in Icon View in OS X, and it worked fine. I can't imagine what the difference would be. I can tell you that I index my home file regularly through Sherlock... Have you tried it with the...
  12. P

    The Dock Is Great! Stop Complaining! I'm Tired Of Hearing You Sissies Whine About It!

    I agree. They really aren't sitting on your desktop. Well, I guess they could be if you choose to have your disks 'appear on desktop'--which, by the way, is oh soooo OS 9<. Endian, I don't like to think of the icons as being stuck to the inside of my screen (that's kinda freaky), but...
  13. P

    iTunes dockling?

    I think the functionality of the iTunes dockling should be accessed by simply clicking on the iTunes app icon in the Dock. Or, if you minimize the iTunes window to the Dock, you should be able to access there as well. I see no purpose to the Dockling.
  14. P

    Me too!

    I had the same problem for a while. I would disconnect from my ISP, the line would be open, and then it would automatically reconnect. People kept telling me that they could never get through on my one (1) phone line. I know I'm on the internet too much, but they were talking crazy. Then...
  15. P

    Trash in the Finder Toolbar

    I don't know if this was already posted, but there is a simple way to get the Trash Icon/Text into the Finder Toolbar, rather than hacking around. 1. Click on the Trash Dock Icon to open the window 2. Drag the Trash Icon from the window title bar to the Finder Toolbar Although, you can...
  16. P

    toolbar in os x...

    Sorry, bolindilly. I haven't seen of any work-arounds for what your looking for on any of the posts. Let us know if you do! Enjoy!
  17. P

    Very Frustrated with OS X Privileges

    Are you trying to manipulate things that were installed or created before you loaded OS X or in 9.1 (not Classic)? I've found that since I have the OS X partition and one from 9.1, I basically have two (2) computers. Sure I can see 9.1 docs and apps form OS X (and vice versa), but you can't...
  18. P

    toolbar in os x...

    As far as I know, choosing the hide tollbar option automatically puts you in spawning window mode. I have no solution for you other than the one posed by iamnoel. Which is how I have mine set-up. The text-only option takes up very little room, but you still get all the functionality. Unlike...
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    Apple Retail Stores...

    Apple is in the process of opeing Apple Stores all over the country, and I've heard, internationally. They have no official announcement, yet, but others involved (eg, city planning, zoning commissions, mall developers) have confirmed Apple locations across the N America. Three are confirmed...
  20. P

    iTunes 1.1 Update Killed My Mute

    When I updated to iTunes 1.1 and 10.0.2, my MUTE key on the Pro Keyboard doesn't work!! Anyone else experience this, or know how to fix it?