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  1. P

    Multiple Apple Menus in the Dock!!

    My face is red, I stand corrected! Sorry about that zoot! I'll have to agree with the above post, I have learned a great deal from these forums. I appreciate everyone's help!
  2. P

    Strange way to recognize files !?!?

    Excellent tip, all! Thanks!
  3. P

    Adding Items to taskbar

    You can drag folders, files, apps,...anything to the toolbar to get there quickly.
  4. P

    Strange way to recognize files !?!?

    I've noticed some odd behavior like this with old docs and stuff. The best fix I've found for it is: Rather than double-clicking the icon to open something, either open the application you want to use first, then use the OPEN command and open the old file. Then save it. Or, drag the icon you...
  5. P

    Multiple Apple Menus in the Dock!!

    Why are you creating aliases of folders to drag to the Dock? When you drag something to the Dock, it isn't moved there, so why create an alias? Just drag the folder to the Dock. Create a folder called Desktop Publishing and then fill it with aliases of the apps or docs you want, then drag the...
  6. P

    OmniWeb Question

    I have been using OmniWeb as my main browser since I downloaded it. It's a great, fast, feature-rich browser (luv the end of pop-up's with OmniWeb)! But I have a question: Does anyone know of a way to disable the Recent Downloads panel from popping-up everytime you download something? When...
  7. P

    The final menu bar solution!

    I like, I like it! I think that ALL things should migrate in this direction as much as possible. And what I mean by that is, and Apple/NeXTSTEP has started this, that applications should be less 'applications', per se, and more like plug-in modules ("objects", if you will :) ), that fit...
  8. P

    Screen Shots

    Honey, either you're staying up to late, or getting up too early! Get some rest ; )
  9. P

    A few shots for ya !

    Where did you get Tinker Tool? Looks like a nice utility to have.
  10. P

    Give me a BREAK

    I installed OS X on March 29th on my one month old (at that time) Cube. I have not had ANY problems. Maybe it's because my system was relatively 'fresh', but the only problems I seem to have with speed is window re-sizing. Certainly the window drags slightly when I resize, but it isn't way...
  11. P

    Silly Dock Trick

    Wheee! It's fun having fun with "Stupid GUI Tricks". Whoever says that stuff like this is nothing but CPU drainers doesn't have a fun bone in their body. All work and no play makes Jack/ie a dull boi. Why shouldn't computers make my day a little brighter?
  12. P

    Dock Size Snapping

    LUV IT! Thanks so much! I just wish this worked in the Finder View Options to adjust Finder icon sizes. Although, I'm sure Apple will make numerous improvements as fast as they can! Go, Apple. Go!
  13. P

    Dock just like a Start Menu

    I just picked up OS X a week ago, an already I am in love with it. Sure it has it's minor problems (resizing windows, some Finder speed issues,..etc) but big whoop! I new that there were some problems in my future being an 'early adopter'. Comments: 1. Great idea about the alias in Dock to...