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  1. T

    Disk Utility Permissions

    Ive been confused about this for some time and I thought now was better than ever to ask. Everytime I verify and repair my disk permissions i allways get. "Verify permissions for “Tims Drive” Determining correct file permissions. We are using special permissions for the file or...
  2. T

    Your guesses on Secret Leopard functionality

    I was just thinking about this if apple can pull this off and pull it off really well, then it could give creatives a real reason to use the mac. I have read a few threads withen the last year or so about why the mac is best for design and to be honest, theres not that many reasons as to why...
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    Best racing games

    Theres a free open source (I think) one. Its called racer. You can download heaps of user made tracks and cars... Heres also a good forum with heaps of games, most for windows but you can pick through them and find some mac games. You should try Generally. Its an arcade...
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    Vista, the osx wanna be....?

    I have a friend thats just started his first year at uni and decided to get a laptop. I thought I might have a little go just to see what it was like in person and I was pretty disgusted. I dont know how to describe it, yes it was all flashy and that but it almost looked as if a disco thru up...
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    The Creation of GUI + other things

    Never knew apple bought out the CarbonCopyCloner-creator. Its good to know Jobs never actually stooped to Gate's level. So if multi touch, AI and speech recognition have been around for ages andd (possibly) could be implicated in the near future. Then what is on the cutting edge right now that...
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    The Creation of GUI + other things

    I just found this pretty interesting website about the development of computers. An interesting article relating to macs was the creation of GUI. "Steve Jobs had quoted a saying of Picasso that "good artists borrow, but great artists steal" in describing what the Macintosh had got from Xerox...
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    Apple Unveils Product-Unveiling Product

    Thats a great product, and an even better article! Good read indeed, thanks for the link :) EDIT: found this one shortly after :
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    Cant get rid of VPN icon

    cheers, got it sorted now. So what is VPN?
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    Cant get rid of VPN icon

    I accidently was messing around with my networks when I was trying to get my airport to work (damn that D-Link, remind me to get a router made by apple next time!) when I got the VPN icon on my menu bar at the top of my screen. How can I get rid of it? and further more, what is VPN?
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    New iPhone Teaser Commercial (w/ Link)

    Ah, when you put it like that it makes sense. I dont tend to watch award shows, maybe I should start haha
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    New iPhone Teaser Commercial (w/ Link)

    I cant say its anything I havnt seen before. I guess it says they are revolutionising phones... which is what they want it to say. which is a good thing. Nothing very close to amazing.
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    mac paint/ pngt files

    Thats what i was using (I was calling it image converter, my bad) That is a pretty good converter but I cant get it to save pngt files. I think I got the program from the apple developer tools or something with no diag box count down at the start. Thanks for the help.
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    mac paint/ pngt files

    Who would have thought there was an old program called cricket draw? haha Never seen that game before, might look into it someday when im bored but the 1986 game im playing is pretty realistic and overall, probably a better cricket simulator than that game. (apart from graphics) Plus the...
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    mac paint/ pngt files

    Im not too keen to spend $30 on converting a couple of images. If i open up a pngt in image converter the only best option it gives me is to save in .mac but Mac Cricket does support .mac files for some stupid reason (maybe theres something in the saving settings that would work? or i could...
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    mac paint/ pngt files

    I was wondering if its possible to download mac paint anywhere and if i could, would it run under classic? I have .pngt (apple macintosh paint image) files that i want to edit/create. Is theres any way of converting images to this format (image converter can only convert to .mac (macintosh...
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    The Macintosh Is Dead

    Argh, this is a rather annoying article. For all the author knows, apple could be putting all those iPod profits away and investing them into creating their own CPU's , Hard drives and 'state of the art' hardware of the future. I think OSX needs to be sharpened up but come on, we are using a...
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    So, in your experience, what went wrong in the Macs?

    Im not far from either of you, Tauranga (summer) Wellington (winter) Pacific represent!
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    So, in your experience, what went wrong in the Macs?

    The only Mac i have ever owned is my 2 year old PPC pBook. Apart from the fact it was dropped 3 times (needing 2 new hard drives, expensive for a student but atleast she still runs like the first day I got her) I cant say I have had any problems. I did have a flat mate that brought a new intel...
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    The Mac is doooomed (tell me I'm crazy)

    I just dont understand your reasoning. Yeah, sure, if apple do get a huge percentage of the market which may or may not happen but why would they want to change their OS? If you answer that then you have taken the first step to convincing me... At this point, Mac's have the best operating...
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    Apple patents touchscreens/The work of Jeff Han

    Pfft, this all looks like far too much work for me. I want to be able to control my Mac with my eyes.