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  1. T

    iBooks still avalible to schools.

    12inch Powerbook beats it :D
  2. T

    ? Single Click Navigation & Focus Follows Mouse ?

    Welcome to Mac and OSX :)
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    Why isn't apple back in the schools?

    When I left school just under two years ago we were using the old see through colored iMacs with os9 and had upgraded a few computers to Emacs with osx. The guy that did the buying owned the apple store in my city so that helped, i think they got down graded low budget Emacs. All the teachers...
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    pBook and Ethernet

    still without internet :(
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    pBook and Ethernet

    I have a pBook G4 with osx10.3.9. I have been using my ethernet port to connect to my flats broadband internet. IT was set up so you dont need a password or anything, you just connect the ethernet to the modem or router or whatever and your away laughing. Anyways, i recently went out of time...
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    I think i have found the problem here: "Sometimes, backup programs that cannot find an intended destination (or target) volume for a backup create a folder with the same name as the destination, and put the folder into the /Volumes directory. There are cases in which the entire startup volume...
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    Thats a nice little app. It shows i have used up 25.3GB users: 16.3GB applications 4.5GB Library 3GB System: 902mb So i have lost 35GB into thin air? any way to reclaim this?
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    Just did another permissions check and it came up with: Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/column.png, should be 0, group is 80 Group differs on...
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    Just did a backup of my hard drive and it showes i have 29GB of free disk space on the same sized 60GB HD...
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    I just checked my finder again and now it says theres only 102 mb space left, i just saw it jump from 102.2 mb up to 102.3mb and i didnt do anything. Im also checking disk permisions and i got a strange permission i had never seen before that related to files etc. "We are using special...
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    Lost Hard Drive Space

    I have a 60GB pBook, i used up about 25-30GB of space until a couple of moments ago when i looked to the bottom and it said i had about 500mb space left so i freaked out and tried to find what was taking up all the space. I couldnt find anything and thought it must have been a bug and was...
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    Need some advice

    Thank you so much for your advice! I guess at this stage i will save my pennies for the Imac and use my power book until it dies.
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    Top student applications?

    I just found the other day, oh so good. I found some helpful stuff in the productivity area. Goodluck with VC, im doing a Visual Communication Design at the moment in New Zealand. Good times indeed.
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    Mac Pro: The ultimate in desktop computing?

    Isnt that $1000 price gap on the 3 grand (or there abouts) Mac Pro. Im talking about a fully maxed out $12k (i guess with the 16GB ram, all hard drives and video cards etc) one meantioned in the review, if the dell can only support 4GB ram i guess there wouldnt be much competition for the $12k...
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    Mac Pro: The ultimate in desktop computing?

    I was reading the review featured on apples website from they say "the Mac Pro is the computer equivalent of a Ferrari, Maserati or Porsche." which i strongly beleive in, all macs are the equivalent of a sports car in their design but is the Mac Pro...
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    finder and plugins

    That shapeshifter application looks pretty good but it costs $30-40 NZD 99% sure i dont want to pay that kind of money for a program when most features i dont really want. Is there any other options?
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    finder and plugins

    Thanks alot guys!
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    finder and plugins

    Hey, i was just wondering where i could get a plugin for mail that allows me to log into my hotmail account, i used to have something installed that allowed me to do this, but i dont anymore and i dont know where i would start to look to find this. I was also wondering if there was a plugin...
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    Need some advice

    I have a 12' 1ghz G4 pBook which is having some problems with the video card (could be lose cables (cheap to fix) or could be alot worse (expensive to fix)) which i have been talking about with a tech person. Anyways, im currently a 2nd year Design Student (mainly graphic stuff)...
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    The Menu Bar

    If it worked well, or as good as the current menu bar then there would be absolutly no reason for me to go to windows. I guess i would start to question the path apple are taking with their OS, but from what i saw in the Leopard demo, im fairly impressed with the way OSX is going I dont think...