Search results

  1. M

    movie music downloads etc.

    Yes, actually I did. The previous post (which has since been deleted for obvious reasons) was referring to a p2p app.
  2. M

    PowerBook G4 dead!

    Well, if all else fails, to remove the CD, try this: boot the computer while holding down command (apple key to some), option, o, and f you should get a very basic command prompt type interface. At the prompt, type eject cd Hopefully this will spit out the cd. Then type reset all...
  3. M

    movie music downloads etc.

    And anything you get from it is 99.999% sure to be illegal... :(
  4. M

    ftp window refresh

    Fraid not. Limitation of the system, you can only mount it read only. Try selecting a different directory, and then going back to the orriginal one. I don't know of a way to refresh without changing the view, anyone else?
  5. M

    movie music downloads etc.

    Also, many sites like that which I have seen simply give you instructions and support for using various p2p programs. The implication of this, of course, is that if you do so you are pirating the movie, etc. You are paying for the support, NOT for the rights to view/own the media. Be very...
  6. M

    Large disk access with OS9??

    Should work just fine. HFS+ was introduced with 8.6 (well prior to 9.1 ;) ), which allowed the computer to make good use of large drives. Actually, even older systems could use large drives, just not very efficently for technical reasons I won't go into here unless specifically asked to :)
  7. M

    Folders don't open, they reset

    Actually, this is not NECCESARILY true. When you do an archive and install, there is an option to preserve users and settings. If you uncheck this, your old users will be moved to the archive folder along with everything else, and you will get a new, totally clean user setup and system. And...
  8. M

    So, How do you connect now?

    Don't I wish. Not available in my area (Delta Junction, AK) just like every other ISP except for the pathetic one I have :( But now I'm just whining, so I'll shut up ;)
  9. M

    So, How do you connect now?

    Being in goverment military housing, I doubt they would allow me to install a satelite dish :)
  10. M

    So, How do you connect now?

    Sheesh, and I thought my deal was bad before. Now I KNOW it is bad. I'm paying $30/month for dial up. 26,400 kbps dial up. V34 protocol- not even V90 or V92 56K. Ugh, the costs of being in the middle of nowhere :)
  11. M

    my beloved wordperfect

    In a similar vein, I just discovered a couple of WordPerfect files left over on my hard drive. Is there any way to access them? I eradicated all traces of classic from my system quite some time ago :)
  12. M

    10.3.5 (Complete Thread)

    Ok, call me ignorant, but I'm completely missing the reference...
  13. M

    backup image

    I have also used impression ( with good results. Does Carbon Coppy cloner allow you to back up to multiple DVD's, or to DVD at all? It has been a while since I used it, perhaps this functionality has been added. Back when I used it, you...
  14. M

    clean install vs archive

    Archive and install and Clean install are essentially the same, except that Archive and install does not erase your hard drive, moves the old system to an archive folder (where you can access parts of it if you so wish), and allows you the option of importing your exsisting users and settings...
  15. M

    Lurkers - Come On Out!

    I've been at school, and therfore not had time to post. Now I'm working, so I have a lot more free time :rolleyes: Not to say that I will neccesarrily be posting more, though, as I frequently look at a thread and say well, I could answer that question, but someone else could probably do it better :)
  16. M

    Die iTunes! Die!

    But of Course! Apple products are all perfect, don'cha know? ;) :D
  17. M

    10.3.5 (Complete Thread)

    If anyone posted such things, they would be in violation of their NDA :)
  18. M

    Die iTunes! Die!

    Strange. I had that same problem a while ago, but I don't recall how I got rid of it. I think it included a restart though. Sorry, I know that's not of much help :) Just thought I'd let you know you are not alone.
  19. M

    volume settings folder?

    TheVolumeSettingsFolder is the actual name of the directory, you do not need to replace that with the name of some other directory containing volume settings. I have seen this directory from time to time (don't remember why anymore) so it should exsist. As mentioned by others, you should be...
  20. M

    Search Length Restrictions Are Too Strict

    You may be right, but not being able to search for numerous common two-letter computer terms (CD, PC, etc.) can get really annoying. If I was wanting to search for iMac CD drive replacements, for instance, I could get numerous hits about iMac drive replacements, only a few of which would have...