Search results

  1. M

    Bootable OS X CD copy?

    Last I checked there was a program called BootCD which would make a disk image for a bootable OS X CD. Haven't tried it though, and I suppose it might not work with 10.2, I don't know.
  2. M

    Mac OS X DVD Screen Capture App

    You might try using an application called Video Lan Client (I think) to display the frame you want, and then take a screen shot. It isn't the best for playing DVD's (choppy in my experience) but you can take screen shots with it. I think it is available on versiontracker, but it has been a...
  3. M

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Thanks :) I just found it. The problem was that there is a similar set of files in /System/Library/CoreServices/ and /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/loginwindow.bundle/Contents/Resources/ I had replaced the loginpanel.tiff found in the...
  4. M

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Thanks for the response. However, while the little icon at the top of the window is what I am looking for, that file does not appear to be it. That file is an aqua i, wheras the icon at the top of the login window is an apple. It looked as though it was located in...
  5. M

    Lets hack Jaguar!

    Anyone know where the apple image for the login panel is hidden now? I tried replacing the loginpanel.tiff file, as in 10.1, but it didn't seem to have any effect.
  6. M

    a couple of questions...

    2) Log in with the user name >console 3) see previous, or start up while holding down command-s 4) Well, my install of 10.2 has an application named "ODBC Administrator" In the Applications->Utilities folder. Don't know what it does though... 5) hmm...Desk drawer, perhaps? :) hope this...
  7. M

    Broken Jag Info Window?

    I certainly agree that I like the ABILITY to do that, but I would rather have that be the option-key method. For general use, I prefer the single window following my selection, and thus wold prefer that to be the default. Should be an option in the finder preferences: Default info window behavior.
  8. M

    Broken Jag Info Window?

    Extra Key Press :p Any way to make it default?
  9. M

    Broken Jag Info Window?

    Yeah, I much preferred the 10.0/10.1 method as well... Anyone?
  10. M

    Got Jag?

    Got my copy with my new iMac. Upgrade only. VERY annoying. No clean install option, no reformat and install option, no install without 10.1 option.:( At least I was able to do a clean install of 10.1. I don't think I am getting the full performance benefits I would from a truly clean install...
  11. M

    I have just received iMac 17" with OS X 10.2!!!!!!

    Just got mine Yesterday! WooHoo! :D I love it! I'm going to have to spend the weekend watching DVD's or something. :D
  12. M

    I have just received iMac 17" with OS X 10.2!!!!!!

    Just got notification that mine has shipped!!!! :D Finally:rolleyes:! Only took three and a half weeks.:( Oh well, at least it should be here by tuesday or so. Free Fedex second-day shipping :D
  13. M

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Kate and Leopold (SP?) Not only are pretty much all the computers mac, but it is even used in the dialogue. For instance, when trying to explain to kate who leopold is, her old boyfriend says he is a friend who just got back from a Mac Expo and had too much to drink. And later, when kate...
  14. M

    Okay, last 24hrs...

    The closure of this board reminded of the way my mom often deals with my little brother when he is whining about something: she sends him upstairs. Basically, she is saying stay away until you can stop whining. I see this as the same thing, and, in my oppinion, it is a very legitamate method of...
  15. M

    I have just received iMac 17" with OS X 10.2!!!!!!

    No fair. Mine STILL hasn't shipped yet :mad:
  16. M

    No spam or down time so far...
  17. M

    The Question-Question Thread

    Now why did you have to go and do that? :mad:;)
  18. M

    is the 17" imac shipping on the 7/31?

    Yeah, 512MB Ram, one DIMM. I can't see how that would increase the time to shipping by more than a couple minutes, but who knows? :p I know exactly how you feel :D
  19. M

    is the 17" imac shipping on the 7/31?

    No Fair! I ordered mine back on the 25th, and it hasn't shipped yet! :( :mad: ;)
  20. M

    Boot CD With norton

    I know this general topic has been discussed here before, but I can't seem to find a clear answer on whether or not it is possible to put a working copy of Norton utilities on an OS X boot cd. Is this possible, and if so, how? I know I can use bootCD to make the actual bootable CD, but can I get...