Search results

  1. adambyte

    Apple Wireless Mouse

    If you have your heart set on the Apple Bluetooth mouse, you could always just purchase a little Bluetooth adapter seperately. D-link makes a good one: Not only would you be able to use Apple's wireless mouse with your iBook, but ANY Bluetooth-enable...
  2. adambyte

    Shameless advertising

    ... Actually, that's how I found this site. I was looking for a Russian bride, but instead ended up finding an invaluable site full of knowledgable people regarding anything Mac. :(
  3. adambyte

    Power Mac with intel Chip: When can I buy one?

    An internal RAiD... that would kick so much ass... I dunno if I could take it. Heehee.
  4. adambyte

    Power Mac with intel Chip: When can I buy one?

    lol. Straight from Steve Jobs mouth... "by the end of 2006." So... I say... sometime between now... and then. :D
  5. adambyte

    iDisk sidebar eject button

    Just to add fuel to the "Eject button" fire.... at work, we have two RAID arrays: One hooked up via Superfast SCSI, the other hooked up through even faster Fibre-Channel. The SCSI RAID does NOT have an "Eject" button, the Fibre Channel DOES. Apparently, depending on the way the volume is hooked...
  6. adambyte

    Itunes volume

    The other problem could be that you have "Sound Enhancer" enabled. From the "iTunes" menu choose "Preferences," and click "Playback". Make sure sound enhancer is unchecked. Click "ok"
  7. adambyte

    Wayne's World v Dumb & Dumber

    On a side note, in Dumb and Dumber, when Jim Carrey's character is walking out of the bar, he sees a picture of the moon landing and says something like "Yeah! We got a man on the moon! Wooo!" ... That was improvised.
  8. adambyte

    What video editor?

    No... what I was saying is that it would be easier to upgrade your OS to an kind-of old version like 10.3, AND be able to use it with a more recent version of FCP easily. But, yes, FCP 3 and FCP 4 will work with what you already have. Mmmm... I believe version 4 was out at that time. Maybe...
  9. adambyte

    Google Earth Comment

    It's grey because you people are boring. Actually, it may be grey, but it seems as though your state has more high-resolution photos than the surrounding states... so... it may not be green, but it's more detailed.... I guess because all the photography is cobbled together from different...
  10. adambyte

    What video editor?

    I think if you want to use either version of Final Cut, you'll need to upgrade to 10.3.9 ..... you can probably find a version of 10.3 pretty cheap if you want, since 10.4 has been out for a while now. 10.3 will work with either the latest version of Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express just fine...
  11. adambyte


    There IS a VNC server built-in to Mac OS X. Open System Preferences and click on "Sharing." Then check "Apple Remote Desktop" and click "Access Privileges..." Near the bottom of that window, set the VNC password
  12. adambyte

    New Thought I'd Say Hi

    lol. Wow. 9.2.2 to 10.4 .... I'm actually amazed you've held out for... what is it? 5 years? Wow.
  13. adambyte

    Final cut

    As for blue/green screen.... in the "Browser" window click the "effects" tab. In the "Video Filters" folder, open "Key." The Blue and Green Screen filter is what you're looking for. As for help in general... look for a Final Cut "User Group" in your area. Our local Los Angeles Final Cut Pro...
  14. adambyte

    Web page as desktop background

    Or, just use this... Haven't tried it myself.
  15. adambyte

    Need to transfer files from Windows hard drive

    Well, you really don't need to worry about the format of the drive... the Mac can read Windows-formatted drives easily, whether they're USB flash drives, network volumes, or Hard Drives. I have never heard of an IDE to USB cable... and just did some research on them. I have no idea if those...
  16. adambyte

    What is your Favorite RSS Reader

    NetNewsWire Lite.... I'm a cheap bastard. I love how it acts like Apple's, and puts a little badge with the number of unread stories.
  17. adambyte

    Selling US ports to the UAE

    Just for the record, NOBODY is "selling" the US ports to the UAE... The British-owned company that owned the ports is being bought by the UAE. Still, it's something that's very shady, and should be investigated.
  18. adambyte

    Fee-based podcasts

    Firstly, I find the American version of "The Office" extremely funny, and it has gotten good reviews from critics, too. So I think it's just a different style of comedy. I'd love to see the original, too, though, since I have enjoyed British comedies like Faulty Towers and Monty Python...
  19. adambyte

    Installing Yahoo

    You need Stuffit Expander to uncompress the file. It's free, and you can download it here....