Search results

  1. habilis

    Spyware in Netscape?

    7.1 oh yeah, I'm running 10.3.3 gotta update my sig
  2. habilis

    Spyware in Netscape?

    When I hit F9 to view all windows using exposé, a small blank white window about 1.5" square will appear that says "hidden". I can not touch or move or edit this phantom window in any way. When I click it, it takes me back to Netscape and then disappears. It apparently is part of Netscape. What...
  3. habilis

    OSX has killed my inner child

    Ever since installation of 10.3. Wait. No. Ever since OSX my Mac experience is totally sucking. both my 867MHz g4 iBook and G4 dual 1GHz are now sluggish and highly irritating, like wearing a wool sweater in the sauna. They have a great tendency to lock up, often beachballing me for minutes...
  4. habilis

    Why did John Kerry cross the road?

    Most chicks like having a guy in charge. ;)
  5. habilis

    US fingerprints 'allied' visitors

    [pessimistic rant] It's not like fingerprinting is going to make any difference at all in any way whatsoever. Christians aren't going to change any time soon, Muslims aren't going to change any time soon. As long as 2 different religions or races exist on this planet, they will fight and kill...
  6. habilis

    Actual Kaneda Motorcycle from Akira Movie

    kanedas bike is sweet. totally sweet. a lot of plastic but who cares. you would be the envy of Tokyo riding aound on that. you could drink for free all night. the kaneda-wear doesn't look anywhere nearly as good live, and I imagine it would look even weirder on an actual person. But the...
  7. habilis

    Why did John Kerry cross the road?

    It doesn't really matter, soon he'll cross back to the other side.
  8. habilis

    Enjoy 30 seconds of my fish tank

    I wanted to take a moment and share my fishtank with you >>view(7MB avi) The cool thing about fish is that they're very interesting to watch, in fact they're quite mezmerizing really. And when they die, you don't cry. Most people are either a dog person or a cat person, but I'm a fish person. ;)
  9. habilis

    Router indicates activity on sleeping Powerbook

    Oh, excellent. So in case I wanted to pull a file off it while it's sleeping I could just wake it up for a second. But can I put it back to sleep? I found the "Wake for ethernet network Administrator access" option. cool. But is there any sort of security risk with this? I mean can a hacker scan...
  10. habilis

    Router indicates activity on sleeping Powerbook

    This is my simple network: Cable Modem to 4-port Router which I have My Dual G4 and Powerbook connected to. My router has indicator lights that show which lines are active. When my G4 is awake and in use, the indicator is on, and when my G4 is asleep the router light is off – which is fine...
  11. habilis

    port 80 security

    The only port I have open is 80, all others are firewalled. I want to make files available for download to my clients, right off my machine. I was just wondering if this is secure. The url, which is basically just my ip, is not public, and will be emailed out to a number of people who can decide...
  12. habilis

    url changing on my OS X server?

    what's the url? I'd like to see it for myself.
  13. habilis

    crawler meta keyword spamming | keyword overkill

    PART I: I was wondering if there is a threshold for the number of keywords allowed before the crawlers will treat it as spam. I'm wondering because I'm designing a site for an incense manufacturer and the keywords would be all the different types of incense they make along with many other words...
  14. habilis

    How can I watch an AVI file?

    It works fine on a windows box. And the thing is, I just converted a windows user to a Mac user, and now he's all PO'd cuz he can't play all AVI's. Even with DivX, VCL and Mplayer they don't all work. sucks.
  15. habilis

    How can I watch an AVI file? I'm trying to watch this video but I can't. how can i watch it?
  16. habilis

    Think about this

    Yep, the universe expands then contracts then expands again in a never ending cycle. It's a giant heart. I'm a definate fan of the big bang/crunch theory, but what sucks is that because it is a cycle, with a beginning and an end, then the laws of logic must be applied to the cycle itself; that...
  17. habilis

    Think about this

    If a supreme being made the universe, Why did it make such vast uncrossable distances between solar systems? That wasn't very considerate...
  18. habilis

    Think about this

    Even if you could travel so fast that you could reach the speed of light, which is around 186,000 miles per second, it would take you 100,000 years to go from one end of the Milky Way to the other. That's just our little spiral home galaxy. And that's at the speed of light, which causes a lot of...
  19. habilis

    When are you online?

    Personally, I'm online everyday, for hours a day. My job and my freelance business dictates this. But I was wondering when other people are online. I know this poll will be slanted because I'm asking this question to computer people, who generally are online all the time, but I'm still curious.
  20. habilis

    I want to view my bandwidth leakage

    good call, although I wish there was something a little more detailed and updated faster, way faster.