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  1. voice- word association!

  2. voice-

    powerbook change coming soon too

    Could it be just a shortage in CPUs?
  3. voice-

    Aaaagrh! Apple Support (again)

    Well, I've faxed the stuff over a before easter, and I called them yesterday to ask what they had concluded. I am to call back Monday, they will put me over to AppleStore and they will arrange the refund. What's more, I need a new laptop somewhat fast and seeing as how Apple cannot be fast...
  4. voice-

    Music companies wants the prices of music downloads up

    Can't say it's unexpected... These companies are making money as it is, and lots of it. The low price tag is just about all that keeps downloaders'd be fun to have a conversation with one of these RIAA-chiefs. I wonder what's actually going on in their minds... But hey, I'm glad...
  5. voice-

    Aaaagrh! Apple Support (again)

    Well, since my last post, I've also made note of a scary thing. It seems something's wrong with the charging. While the Mac is pluged in, I get shocked if I touch it. This is not a problem when it runs on battery, but it scares the crap out of me to touch it when it's charging... I've...
  6. voice-

    Apple & Adobe

    ...however Apple does tend to drive developers away. Take Adium as an example. It was the best little app one could imagine, a great AIM client. What does Apple do? They make iChat. What happens when I launch other AIM clients? Whenever I get incoming messages the client quits and iChat...
  7. voice-

    Apple's history?

    Thank you I love you :)
  8. voice-

    Apple's history?

    I have that, but it's so far all I've got...any others?
  9. voice-

    Apple's history?

    Does anyone know good sites for info on Apple's history? I'm writing about them for a history project at school, and while is a great site, it's always good to have several sources...
  10. voice-

    Safari vs. Camino (again)

    Yeah, Safari still has a few probs, but as much as I loved Chimera when the 0.1 version came out, it's nothing today. Nothing. If you need a lightweight Mozilla variant, Firefox beats Camino so badly, it hurts my old Mac heart...try it, and see if you can go back to Camino. I couldn't.
  11. voice-

    Aaaagrh! Apple Support (again)

    Testing the light in the keyboard now...there's no light in the "a" and "/" key... I do hope his solution on Monday involves giving me a complete refund...
  12. voice-

    Aaaagrh! Apple Support (again)

    Just got it back. Calling Apple Support AGAIN, as I type. They replaced my Norwegian keyboard with an English one... Okay, they decided they need even more time, they will call me on Monday and tell me what they suggest we do (I guess they are as happy about taking it back as I am sending it...
  13. voice-

    Finally! Battlefield 1942...

    This is great news! I just hope they clean the PC code up a little. I can't wait...nothing like runnign a tank into the enemy's base, jump out before they blow it and shoot whoever's left. Even if I don't capture the flag, my team will have captured just about every other post on the map by...
  14. voice-

    Any warcraft 3 frozen throne players in here?

    I suck too, but if the money cheat was availible online, I'd rule them all...
  15. voice-

    Aaaagrh! Apple Support (again)

    My powerbook has been gone for 3 weeks today, and Apple doesn't know where it is, but they do say it's gonna take another week...
  16. voice-

    mobile + Bluetooth = remote-control mac...

    Now, with AppleScript support, which has been in Salling Clicker since the says of being named Sony-Ericsson Clicker, it's possible to do stuff like that. Phone goes outside range, Mac starts screensaver with password and turns off music. Phone comes back, Mac types in the password, stops...
  17. voice-

    iPods for Everyone!!!

    So would I. I have an iPod, and it's small enough, so size and storage wouldn't be what attracted me, however with the combination of the iPod OS and such a low price, they would make excellent gifts... And again, size really isn't all that important, price is.
  18. voice-

    Dockingstation for 15'' alubook

    fryke, I wouldn't blame the fact that you can't slide it in on these guys, I'd blame Apple. It was their idea to put the plugs on both sides of the PowerBook. Anyway, if it means saving €250, I'll gladly plug the power cord and USB mouse in manually every time I sit down...
  19. voice-

    Dockingstation for 15'' alubook

    Would be sweet, when/where can I get it and for how much?
  20. voice-

    Which OS are YOU?
