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  1. WeeZer51402

    What Features would you like to see in Leopard?

    Someone please just fix malloc, there has been a heap overflow problem in it since the initial release of OS X. It has been exploited in safari already and with just a little bit of code one can easily crash the browser...its just annoying and should be fixed!
  2. WeeZer51402

    A question about Apple's Mighty Mouse "free" shipping...

    well w/ my student discount I had to pay shipping on the mighty mouse :(
  3. WeeZer51402

    New mouse

    Oh yes he did...well maybe not but I dont have to use this crappy m$ mouse any more to get horizontal scroll...I know logitech has it too but I just feel better about not using third party drivers....I couldn't wait for BT...I caved and had to buy one
  4. WeeZer51402

    New mouse

    yes yes oh god yes FINALLY thank you apple...thank you steve and Ha to the guy at the apple store who said it would never happen and "We're happy with our one button" I gotta order one....the only thing that is missing is BlueTooth..
  5. WeeZer51402

    odd nmap output...

    ok I ssh'd into my linux box and ran nmap -O on my powerbooks ip. The first time I did it I got the following results: [root@www mvh]# nmap -O Starting nmap 3.70 ( ) at 2005-07-31 12:11 EDT Warning: OS detection will be MUCH less reliable...
  6. WeeZer51402

    This is really disturbing...

    Thank you that was a good answer, but this could be installed by a malicious user with physical access to a logged in admin user so it still could posses a threat...but I don't leave my computer logged I dont need to worry now do I
  7. WeeZer51402

    This is really disturbing...

    I am aware of the age of my information and I am not necesarily concerned with that but rather the validity of it. Which of course I can't speak to, thats why I am asking. MisterMe you can criticize this post all you'd like but it still does not provide an upfront answer to the questions...
  8. WeeZer51402

    This is really disturbing...

    I was going to post this under the "Viruses for OS X" thread but it isn't really a virus. Its a multi-purpose tool. Its rather disturbing what it can do. Its called opener. This all has me kind of worried, I can't speak to the effectiveness of this stuff but it sure does not look good. I hope...
  9. WeeZer51402

    Where the heck is stuffit?

    I just got my new PB 15 a few days ago and to my dismay when i tried to open a .sit there was no stuffit...where is it? It would seem kind of stupid for apple to not include it....well does anybody know where the stuffit engine resides so I can pull it off of my iMac if I need to...
  10. WeeZer51402 word association!

  11. WeeZer51402 word association!

  12. WeeZer51402

    Advanced Spotlight features

    As Peter Griffin would say; Freakin sweet!
  13. WeeZer51402 word association!

  14. WeeZer51402

    More than 3 minutes to boot Panther?!

    Well is hitting shift at boot is the trick than it can be narrowed down to startup items. also if you have multiple hard drives or optical drives or if your HDD and optical drive are on the same controller, check the jumpers because if they are both set to master or both set to slave or one CS...
  15. WeeZer51402

    PDA Woes - Syncing & Crashing

    Did that do it for you? It looks like a usefull little utility.
  16. WeeZer51402

    PDA Woes - Syncing & Crashing

    Is the PDA iSync compatible? From what you've indicated you may have a corrupt DB which would prevent it from syncing properly, iSync probably just hangs on that one line trying to read that erroneous data before it gives up.
  17. WeeZer51402

    More than 3 minutes to boot Panther?!

    could you perhaps update, or does the "sluggishness" problem lie in 10.3.9 itself? If you can update that would be a good starting point, but as I said before I have experienced similar problems that were linked to ldap. Also did you do an archive and install or a fresh install? You may want...
  18. WeeZer51402 word association!

  19. WeeZer51402 word association!
