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  1. celeborn

    Someone try jaguar?

    How about live window resizing - any improvements with that? Anyone out there with more VRAM?
  2. celeborn

    In-Depth Look at Jaguar, with tons of screenshots!

    I agree. There are lots of nice small improvements. These include the new Get Info panes, integrated Finder search, a simple GUI for the OS X firewall... I probably won't be buying this upgrade though, if it's a full price one. I'd rather wait till I can afford to replace my 400 MHz iMac DV...
  3. celeborn

    Change SWAP Partition! How? Come in and see it!

    My iMac's 10 GB HD is divided into two partitions, about 8 GB for OS X and 2 for OS 9. Should the swap file be on a dedicated partition or is there any reason why the swapfile couldn't be on the OS 9 partition?
  4. celeborn

    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    I recommend going to the <b>Mac News & Rumors Discussion</b> section, where you'll find numerous threads concerning the upcoming Mac OS X upgrade.
  5. celeborn

    Translation program.

    I wouldn't trust the Altavista translator or any current translation program for anything important. It's worth is probably in understanding text/webpages in languages you are not familiar with. Don't use it to create text somebody <i>else</i> is supposed to read. You'll see what I mean if...
  6. celeborn

    A better email program? Any suggestions?

    I've been using PowerMail for 6 months now and have been very satisfied. Originally I got it so I could use the same app and database in OS X and OS 9. Now I hardly use OS 9, but I still prefer PowerMail to PM has great filtering possibilities and creating them is easy. It is also...
  7. celeborn

    Damn Thinksecret is good!!!

    As has been stated elsewhere, if Apple says "late summer", Jaguar will certainly not be released in July, which is still "early summer". Late summer means September 22 or something like that, unfortunately. I still haven't got used to that, as here in Finland the school holidays start in June...
  8. celeborn

    A look inside Jaguar

    I'd very much doubt it. Have a look at the attached Jaguar screenshot, it shows iChat and Address Book windows with the Brushed Aluminum look and all the rest is Aqua.
  9. celeborn

    Fireworks MX, Dreamweaver MX, Studio MX announced!

    Actually, I think the new icons are pretty nice. I downloaded the previews of DW and FW. Nice interface, rather slow on my iMac DV @ 400 MHz - hardly suprising. Haven't tried in OS 9, though. I noticed Fireworks supports Sheets, at least to some extent. It also appears to support Services...
  10. celeborn

    New eMac!!!

    Most likely new iBooks and the G5. With Mac OS X 10.2 that'll be more than enough. :)
  11. celeborn

    Chimera/Navigator .25

    Uncheck the option "Smooth text" in the view menu, and voilá, no antialiasing.
  12. celeborn


    Don't know about <i>really</i> weird, but have a look here:
  13. celeborn

    Adobe Photoshop 7.0

    I recommend ASM Menu ( Even if you don't actually need the OS 9-style app menu, with ASM you can specify dock-hiding preferences etc. on a per app basis.
  14. celeborn


    The sosumi theme is an excellent replacement for Aqua. The author has done a really good job. Get it here: An installer/backup script is included.