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  1. LordOphidian

    Mac OS 11?

    Not quite, the latest version of the C standard is C99. C++ is a diffrent language, intended by its creater to be the successor to C. Also, wouldn't Mac OS 11 be, OS XI 11.0?
  2. LordOphidian

    OS X on Intel AGAIN ( article)

    Nope, but it does rely on OpenFirmware, which is far more advanced than anything that the consumer PC world has seen. Its doubtfull that Apple would let you boot it from just a normal mb BIOS setup, you would have to have something more akin to the SGI NT machines.
  3. LordOphidian

    New iMac

    I have one dead pixel... its black, but its not bothering me because I don't even notice it that much anymore. Did when I first got the iMac, but since then I don't even see it really.
  4. LordOphidian

    The first seemless Mac OS X Theme

    Anyone had any trouble with Duality? I am about to download this theme but don't want to bork my system if anything goes wrong with this theme.
  5. LordOphidian

    The first seemless Mac OS X Theme

    Damn that looks cool. Oh, and how many damn things do you have in your dock man?
  6. LordOphidian

    OS X 10.2 announced!

    You how ever are not. Thus making you loose your bid for a good April fools day gag. Insert another coin.
  7. LordOphidian

    Looking for a simple Digital Circuit drawing program

    Yeah I'm a CSE. I have used LogicWorks and I might still have LW4 around some place, but what I am looking for more is something that lets me draw datapaths easily. LogicWorks is great for designing the actual circuit, but when you want a medium level datapath drawing, its awfully...
  8. LordOphidian

    OS X 10.2 announced!

    It's good to know you can read a calendar :rolleyes:
  9. LordOphidian

    BeFS creater joins apple

    Very true, but what it does do is put some people who know a good deal about the attributes and other great features of BFS at the design board for future Apple FS's. While that doesn't mean that we will get those features, atleast we got competent people on the job.
  10. LordOphidian

    BeFS creater joins apple

    It would be nice if as a first step they added journaling to HFS+, and depending on how they do it, they could make it a soft update (like the ext2 -> ext3 conversion). But It would also be nice to have them come out with a replacement to HFS+ (or just a major restructuring) that would add...
  11. LordOphidian

    BeFS creater joins apple

    The Register is running this this article, which is interesting in its own right, but more interesting than that is this: Dominic is the person who wrote BeFS, and Benoit is the person who wrote Be's previous file store, which was a database. Hopefully Dominic can bring some good things to...
  12. LordOphidian

    How is new iMac w/ games?

    I'm just about to go from a 333 Biege g3 to a LCD iMac, so the jump should be quite impressive.
  13. LordOphidian

    Terminal Question Time

    OS X has tcsh set up to do command auto compleation as well. Which significantly adds to the power of AC. Look for the file /usr/share/init/tcsh/completions and take a look at the contents. Here is an example. type ssh -c <Tab> and it should give you a listing of the posible cyphers for ssh.
  14. LordOphidian

    Looking for a simple Digital Circuit drawing program

    Wanted to bump this thread because I am looking for the same thing.