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  1. LordOphidian

    new iMac SE and iBook SE (source spymac)

    Mine is just about a month and a half old, and its still clean. I wouldn't think they would get dirty unless you work on your car and don't wash your hands before handling the thing. And how often to you actually touch the base? Oh, and it comes with a cloth to clean the thing. Not sure...
  2. LordOphidian

    Technote on copy protected cd's

    Did I miss something, or did the technote for the defective (copy protected) cd's disapear? Any ideas why Apple pulled it if they did? P.S. It used to be available here.
  3. LordOphidian

    WWDC News!

    What would be really nice would be if it was expandable by plugins. That would allow other developers to add instant messengers to the client with out Apple having to develope them.
  4. LordOphidian

    WWDC News!

    We will have to see, but iChat may bring me back to using AIM to talk with my friends. Moved on to MSN and ICQ because of the extreme crappyness of the Os X client.
  5. LordOphidian

    WWDC News!

    Looks like DBKit is back in 10.2. Some how tied to BlueTooth. Will be nice to have desktop applications with easy db access.
  6. LordOphidian

    WWDC News!

    Inkwell sounds interesting too. Not sure how usefull this will be for desktop users, but its always good to see apple promote its handwriting recognition IP.
  7. LordOphidian

    WWDC News!

    Mmmmm Quartz extreme.. Hardware accelerated Quartz. Not possible on the old Rage cards, but on AGP2x with 32mb of vram our higher you are golden. Aparently uses OpenGL to do the acceleration.
  8. LordOphidian

    Speedup hint: UFS Filesys is Sssssslloooooowwwwwwwwwwwww

    UFS performance seem highly dependent on configuration. On my beige g3 333, with UW/SCSI it was just as fast as HFS+, and it got never got corrupted. HFS+ kept getting key out of order problems. UFS maybe old, but at least its proven, and readable by other OS's. HFS+ doesn't really have...
  9. LordOphidian

    Rich Text

    RTF in email is a blessing compared to HTML. RTF can't do linking, can't embed as many types of objects, and is designed around formatting documents. This makes it logically my choice for rich emails. The issue of copying text from a browser and having its formatting copied is a bitch. You...
  10. LordOphidian

    iPhoto 1.1

    Cool.. and we can only hope that they would keep the filename of images you import associated with the image some how. Would make it a much nicer photo organizer.
  11. LordOphidian

    Apple Education store oddities

    The apple store at ASU allowed me to get a new iMac at the original price, which kicked ass, so I got way more than the $50 off that the online applestore for education would give me.
  12. LordOphidian

  13. LordOphidian

    Fetch FTP Client updated!

    ncftp, all the ftp you will ever need. (hint it is command line)
  14. LordOphidian

    Fireworks MX, Dreamweaver MX, Studio MX announced!

    I have a question comeing from my background as a code monkey.... What exactly does fireworks do. It looks to prepare images for the web, but does it do anything else? Is it a photoeditor (along the lines of a low power photoshop) or is it something else entirely?
  15. LordOphidian

    Rendering question

    Mozilla (0.9.9) on Linux screams. That link took 4.145 seconds to render fully. Pages for this site usualy take on the order of 1.6 seconds, and I have only had a few pages take longer than 10. Waits that long are usually due to images or object includes that time out. I would be realy...
  16. LordOphidian

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    I've had to bitch at teachers for useing code that only compiles on MS's C++ compiler before. It sucks, but once I point out to them that the code won't compile on Solaris (which is what the general purpose servers run) they usualy put the effort in to make it ANSI. For DB's what exactly are...
  17. LordOphidian

    Google SOAP API's: Who will be the first?

    the url appears to be wrong. Try this one:
  18. LordOphidian

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    With larry on Apples board, and with OS X becoming more of a player in the industry, I would think that an Oracle port is at least in the works. When it sees the light of market, I don't have any idea. Oh and NeYo, just exactly what are you using Access as a db for?
  19. LordOphidian

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    Access isn't even used in the MS areas around campus here, MS SQL 2000 is. Access is considered kinda like the database that is in AppleWorks, mainly just for personal use by those that don't know better. I know that the basic computer cources here used FileMaker when teaching about db's...
  20. LordOphidian

    applications OS X could use that Windows has

    Take a look on versiontracker for autogalaxy satelights. Oh, and as far as I know, access has never existed for the Mac period.