Search results

  1. R

    Running Linux virtual machines on OS X - possible?

    Is it possible to run a virtual machine in OS X that allows me to install another PPC operating system such as a Linux/PPC distro? I'm spoiled by VMWare for Windows.
  2. R

    Should Apple add WMA suppot on the iPod?

    It's not a question of adding WMA to the iPod as it is about the computer industry including AAC and QT support in products that currently support MP3 and WMA. This includes car decks to CD walkmen to iPod-like devices.
  3. R

    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    I've been a long-time PC person, recently acquired a PowerBook. Wow, now I understand. A few things Apple should consider: 1) A Mac is a Lexus, Windows is a Toyota. Maybe it's time to market a "luxury" computer? Dunno. 2) Apple has an elitist attitude. No problem, it works for...
  4. R

    itunes 4.1 quicktime 6.4

    Windows Media Player is the dominant player because it ships with every copy of Windows. One might argue to "dominance" of the codecs but what's "best" today gets overtaken tomorrow, ad infinitum. Market share is what dominates, even to the extent of inferiority. For example, portable and...
  5. R

    Q: how to display currently assigned name servers (DNS)?

    I've look around a bit and can't seem to find how to display my currently assigned name servers (DNS) on my Mac. My Mac is using DHCP and my DHCP server is configured to assign DNS servers to DHCP clients. However, the Network Preferences panel doesn't display the name servers - only the IP...
  6. R

    Apple X11 vs. XDarwin & Fink

    Does anyone have any thoughts about Apple's X11 implementation, XDarwin, and Fink? At the moment, Fink doesn't support gcc 3.3 or 10.3 so it's somewhat of a moot point. But when they get it working, what X server should I use? Will Fink ports compile under Apple X11 without any changes?
  7. R

    Longhorn Release Date...woot.

    The downside to any database enabled system is keeping the information accurate. MP3 tags are only as good as the information that goes into them. If you're anal retentive and take care to carefully enter tags, you're OK. Many people are pretty sloppy about organization. We'll see the same...
  8. R

    Longhorn Release Date...woot.

    I'm a recent convert to OSX from Windows XP. Rather, a own a nice TiBook for mobile use and an XP desktop. After a few months of using OSX and the PowerBook I can see why the Mac "just works better". The user interface is friendlier and smarter. Icons are easy to see - you need to squint...
  9. R

    Want to see an opensource app for Mac...?

    I checked out the site and they don't make any mention of open source development. Their forums don't mention it either. So, it was a great idea while it lasted. Lots of interesting feedback about a calcualtor app. How boring! :)
  10. R

    OSX 10.2.6 and Windows 2000/XP shares

    Thanks for the tips re. WINS. I just went to my Mac and used Connect to Server... and now all of the machines show up by name. I didn't change anything! However, I did add a Redhat 9 box but none of the clients are configured to use it. I'll investigate further and see if I can get a...
  11. R

    OSX 10.2.6 and Windows 2000/XP shares

    I'll try adding the IPs to the hosts file although my DNS server already has them. The IP addressing is consistent: 192.168.1.x. I can try changing the statics to dynamic just to see what happens. It's interesting why LAURA shows up via DHCP but the statics (in DNS) don't. It was a typo...
  12. R

    OSX 10.2.6 and Windows 2000/XP shares

    Thanks for the tip. I have everything enabled except Netinfo. It didn't make any improvements when I turned it on. I have my workgroup name configured as well as a WINS server specified.
  13. R

    OSX 10.2.6 and Windows 2000/XP shares

    Hello. I've browsed through some topics and found a lot of information re. OSX and SMB but it dealt with 10.1, not 10.2. Here's my issue, maybe someone can help. I have a PowerBook G4 (15") with 10.2.6. Trying to connect to shares on an XP and 2000 box. Finder won't show me the computer...
  14. R

    Using FireWire enclosures and "generic" IDE devices

    Thanks for the tips on hard drives and the DVD burner. The iTunes 3 web page includes a list of "approved" CD burners. Is the this the same "compatibility" list for Finder's ability to burn discs? Eric
  15. R

    Using FireWire enclosures and "generic" IDE devices

    I'm a long-time PC user. I have recently been using my G4-450 to replace my "day to day" Windows XP machine. I'll spare you the reasons for now - maybe in a different post. With Windows, I'm used to extensive driver support for everything: printers, scanners, hard drives, CD-ROM, CD-RW, and...