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  1. S

    The colors of the mini iPod.

    The colors suck. The anodized stuff looks like riceboy crap you'd see slapped on an 88 Honda Civic.
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    iLife -- appears I'm screwed and must pay another $50?

    It's been discussed for weeks. Somebody call the waaaaaahmbulance for this guy. Sorry, but I bought a G4 AlBook on 12/24 and do not expect to weasel iLife 4 as a freebie. That's part of owning a computer.
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    MWSF Official Thread

    they are dragging this out waaaaay too long, john mayer's manager must require he gets half an hour of stage time or something.
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    Exporting iTunes Music From Win To Mac?

    I dragged and dropped the itunes music folder (about 10 gigs, same as you) from my windows box to my powerbook. I then ran a script that stripped all of the desktop.ini files from the entire folder structure. call me anal retentive.
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    tmobile vpn

    What procotol does the VPN component in your router use? Probably either IPSec or PPTP. What you'll need to find out from t-mobile is if their hotspot networks permit IPSec and/or PPTP pass-through.. if they block that traffic then you're out of luck. Another way to browse securely would be...
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    15" AlBook- How 'bout them keyboards pressin' against them screens?

    If you have a laptop bag with straps to secure it remeber if you keep the straps too snug they will press the screen down harder against the keys. This is how I ended up with a lot of keyboard marks on my previous laptop. In my zest to keep it secure I ended up damaging it, oops. Lesson...
  7. S

    i am in the market for a G4 ibook...the right choice?

    If you do not need more than 640 megs of RAM the iBook is a great machine for the money. It's also very sturdy, probably sturdier than an aluminum Powerbook though I have nothing but my own observations to back that up.. I own an AlBook, fwiw.