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  1. C

    new tabs in Leopard Terminal not using .bashrc

    I misread the man page, and confused myself. It doesn't read .bashrc if you use your login shell. A login shell reads the first of /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login. An interactive shell reads ~/.bashrc or the file you override with --rcfile. A non-interactive shell reads none of...
  2. C

    Smb or Windows network copy size problem

    Actually, I don't think the idea of splitting the file makes sense.... So, this is just guessing. If for some reason copying a file as a file is going to be different than reading the bytes of the file, you could just try cat, e.g. cat /mnt/file > file, where /mnt/file is the file on the server...
  3. C

    new tabs in Leopard Terminal not using .bashrc

    bash should read any or all of /etc/profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc in an interactive shell. Terminal shouldn't cause bash to behave any differently, i.e. if you you just have .bashrc, to get Terminal to use it, use the default login shell. I just checked and renamed my...
  4. C

    new tabs in Leopard Terminal not using .bashrc

    What I do is I have my login shell set to bash. So, in the Startup tab, I have the default selected (/usr/bin/login) which uses bash as my login shell. The files that bash reads at startup are listed in the man page. If you want it to use .bashrc for an interactive shell, then allow Terminal...
  5. C

    peculiar google ad

    Is it a coincidence that I keep seeing a google ad here for Chinese girls looking for a date... because my user name resembles the name Kowloon? I haven't been searching for Chinese girls on google incidentally...
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    Smb or Windows network copy size problem

    A dumb solution would be to split the file into parts and reassemble it on the other end. You could use rar for example.
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    spinning beachball after leopard system update

    Aha! I found a solution. I saw this thread: and didn't find /Library/DiVX... so was going to give up. But, I did have /Library/QuickTime/DivX something and /Library/QuickTime/Toast Video...
  8. C

    spinning beachball after leopard system update

    Is there a way from single user mode to disable things that are started at boot, but after login? Or, can I create a new user and cause the OS to prompt me for a login when I boot?
  9. C

    spinning beachball after leopard system update

    As far as the APE business, I found none of those file paths. I verified my volume and it found a problem, so I repaired the volume and repaired permissions. Unfortunately, I still get the spinning beach ball of death when I boot. While that's going on I can command-tab and see finder...
  10. C

    spinning beachball after leopard system update

    I ran system update on leopard and installed an itunes and quicktime update and now when I boot, it logs in, displays my desktop wallpaper with no icons and the spinning busy mouse cursor icon and nothing else. I've rebooted and let it sit for 3 hours. What can I do?
  11. C

    "mount_smbfs" not working in Leopard!

    Is it a permissions problem? It looks like you can use -onoowners to make the owner be the current user. So maybe you could do something like: sudo -u www-data mount -onoowners -t msbfs //user@host/share dir Where www-data would be your web server's user name.
  12. C

    "mount_smbfs" not working in Leopard!

    That worked thanks: mount -t smbfs //user@host/share dir
  13. C

    "mount_smbfs" not working in Leopard!

    Me too... mount -t smbfs //host/share dir which I did regularly under tiger now produces an error message in syslog: /sbin/mount_smbfs[89071]: smb_mount: open session failed!: syserr = Broken pipe I can login using smbclient, but can't mount.
  14. C

    trackpad fun with no sidetrack under leopard

    It wasn't uninstalled. Thanks, that worked. The trackpad is now ignored when my microsoft mouse is plugged in.
  15. C

    trackpad fun with no sidetrack under leopard

    I have that checked, but it doesn't ignore the trackpad.
  16. C

    trackpad fun with no sidetrack under leopard

    I think it was sidetrack that fixed the problem I had a long time again where I keep touching the trackpad while typing and cause the cursor to do semi-random things. Now, with sidetrack not working under leopard I'm doing that again. I actually use a mouse, and I have ignore trackpad...
  17. C

    If you are installing Leopard and you are Sybil

    or Carrie, and your mother has you locked in the closet, be warned that you can't turn down the music that plays when it first starts up, so your mother will hear.
  18. C

    restore disk image to larget disk?

    Well, I started down a different path before I saw your post. The entire procedure for upgrading my powerbook with failing hard drive to a larger disk with leopard installed was: 1. Get an external drive and a new hard drive (i.e. I have 2 new drives in addition to my old drive). 2. Use...
  19. C

    restore disk image to larget disk?

    I'm in the middle of creating a disk image of my drive using disk utility (after booting from the leopard install disk), and storing the disk image onto an external drive. Is it going to work to restore the image onto a larger drive? I mean, I will replace my internal hard drive, boot from...
  20. C

    powerbook, removing orange ribbon cable?

    I'm trying to replace my harddrive using these instructions: It says to remove the ribbon cable. But, I don't see how... pull up or out? I don't see anything that looks like a jack that the ends are...