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  1. C

    moose is slow

    My moose goes too slow. Everytime I log I set the moose again. Can I make moose go always fast? Besides can I make it faster? Even the fastest moose is too slow for me.
  2. C

    newbie: upgrade CPU?

    I think I know the answer to this, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. With a PC, if I want to get a new CPU depending on what I have, I can either: 1. Buy a new cpu 2. Buy a new motherboard and cpu 3. Buy a new motherboard, new ram and a cpu 4. Buy a new case and new motherboard, new ram and a cpu...
  3. C

    firmware upgrade and hanging computer

    I managed to boot from the os x cd. Then I installed the 4.2.8 firmware upgrade and everything is fine now.
  4. C

    firmware upgrade and hanging computer

    Reading someone else's post, I gather it was firmware version 4.2.8.
  5. C

    firmware upgrade and hanging computer

    If I remember correctly, it was 4.1.8. It's the firmware on the macos 9.2.1 disk that comes with the 10.1 update. I have a 400Mhz G4... it's from before they had Nvidia graphics cards/chips or whatever.
  6. C

    firmware upgrade and hanging computer

    I have a G4 which I'm trying to upgrade to 10.1. For the firmware upgrade I followed the instructions. I booted to 9.1, ran the update utiltiy and shutdown. After this my monitor naturally goes blank and starts searching for a signal. Then I held the programmer's button and pressed the power...
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    Printerless upgrade to 10.1?

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I didn't buy mac os x from the apple store.
  8. C

    Printerless upgrade to 10.1?

    Uggh. I hate hate hate having to drag something out onto paper so I can scribble on it and fax it!!! Is there some way for me to upgrade without having to have a printer? The local computer store says they do not have any upgrades to sell.
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    nubie slightly on topic post concerning extensions

    Oh yeah, binary search... I just mentioned word, because that's the program I keep needing to use, but can't unless I start classic with extensions disabled. It happens with other classic apps aswell. Thanks!
  10. C

    nubie slightly on topic post concerning extensions

    Recently when I try to run word, classic starts and it then says: "" Illegal Instruction. Restart and turn off extensions by holding down shift. Great. Is there something to tell me which extension is failing, or do I have to reboot and enable extensions one by one a zillion times to...
  11. C

    emacs with X11

    Thanks. I made an initial stab at compiling the emacs from apple source and I get an error concerning an undefined function in libXpm. I'll look at it again in a little while. What's fink?
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    emacs with X11

    There is a cocoa version of xemacs, but it's oooooooooooold: Thanks sveijk for the pointer to xemacs. I actually want GNU emacs though, not XEmacs. I'll see if I can make use of the xemacs patch to compile GNU emacs. I've installed XEmacs, and...
  13. C

    emacs with X11

    I want to have GNU emacs 20.7.1 with X support. Do you suppose I can get the source that apple used for their non X supporting version of gnu emacs?
  14. C

    Arggh! Please help.

    Okay, but the attachment is called something like TextEdit tells me that it will save it in rtf format, and then it says to supply a new name. But I don't see any way to supply a different name. I can use endian's suggestion though and just drag the file.
  15. C

    Arggh! Please help.

    Wull golly! Who'd a thought? It's so simple. Thanks! I'm a newbie, and no the word documents and the perl scripts are two separate attachments I get, completely unrelated to each other. Thanks again.
  16. C

    Arggh! Please help.

    Okay, not only do I not know how to do anything with word files people keep sending me, becuase I don't have word for mac, and it won't let me save the attachment. If I get a text attachment, it opens with textedit. Fine, but if I try to save it, it says "Textedit doesn't save in simpletext...
  17. C questions

    I have a message that appears to have blank subject and from headers (judging by the mailbox window). If I click on the message, hangs and I have to kill it. Do you know how I can delete this message without trying to read it? People send me microsoft word documents all the...
  18. C

    rewriting message-id with sendmail?

    I want to have the host/domain name part of the message id match what I have in the From header. For example: Say hostname on my machine prints: What I get now always includes this hostname, e.g.: Message-ID: <20dm2md.20fdm249&#64;> Instead I want...
  19. C

    Mail client

    What mail client do you recommend? I read bad things about but haven't actually tried it yet. I haven't figured out how to disable Javascript in outlook express, so I don't think I can use it (for fear of viruses). I have to be able to send email as though it originates from one of...
  20. C

    "IBM" PC Hardware in mac?

    Sorry, I'm a complete nubie: Can I remove my Intel PRO/100+ ethernet card from my "ibm" pc, put it into my 450MHZ G4, and expect it to work?