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  1. MrNivit1 word association!

  2. MrNivit1

    Help please... Powerbook upon startup..

    back-up, back-up, back-up. I had a drive fail on me a while back, lost a bunch of college work too. Oh, and don't count on an iPod as a backup device. That thing died too (at least I didn't lose anything that time).
  3. MrNivit1

    Black border on Imac g3!

    hmmmm... could be that the monitor's resolution got changed. Check your settings in the display pref pane.
  4. MrNivit1

    Well, that's new.....

    Yup. had that happen to me too after a heat related kernel panic. I sent the report to apple, although I don't think they'll look at it too much.
  5. MrNivit1

    iTunes 5 - What would you like to see?

    Oh neat! Thanks didn't know that... learn somethin' new everyday. :p :o
  6. MrNivit1

    iTunes 5 - What would you like to see?

    A way to easily proof cd playlists before burning. What I mean is that I make a bunch of compliation/mix cds and I am picky about how one song transitions to the next. It would be handy if I I could listen to the first and last say 30 sec or so to listen how one song transitions into the next...
  7. MrNivit1

    What Features would you like to see in Leopard?

    Sounds like an (Internet) Explorer in Windows move. BAD IDEA. We don't want to have the same problems that Windows suffers from.
  8. MrNivit1

    cd rw

    To add my 2 cents. Some CD players (esp. car CD players) won't play cd's burned at higher burn speeds well. The general idea is that the slower you burn a CD the more definite the individual marks are and the easier it will be for a picky CD player to read them. Kind of like asking someone to...
  9. MrNivit1

    cd rw

    Sadly, I find this one of the most unintuitive aspects of OSX. There should be an easier way to either erase CD-RW's than Disc Utility (contextual menu item and/or File menu option in the Finder comes to mind). As for music CD-RW's, iTunes should have an option to erease CD-RW's within iTunes...
  10. MrNivit1

    iTunes 5 - What would you like to see?

    audio plugins? Like the ones found in Audion (still use it sometimes). Not exactly essential, but neat to have none the less.
  11. MrNivit1

    Future PowerPC Macs 'til June 2006/June 2007

    Remember when a speed increase of 50 to 100Mhz was the next great thing (ie. PPC 601, 603, 604, 604e)? I miss those days... Greater Mhz increases are getting so much more demanding (and expected) these days.
  12. MrNivit1

    C&C Generals: Sudden loss of good gameplay

    Might be a shot in the dark, but there may be a file or two elsewhere in the system that could be messing things up, one that you didn't delete? If the RAM is still recognized AND other games work fine, I don't think it is a hardware problem. See if the C&C disc has an uninstaller that will...
  13. MrNivit1

    new to macs

    You could run the OS installer and deselect everything from the install list except for iChat. There is a way to extract installer bundels from the Tiger DVD/CD's but I don't know off hand what program to use. Also, try digging around the Tiger DVD, an iChat installer package may be available...
  14. MrNivit1

    Please don't call it a Macintosh

    didn't... although the power consumption/performance slide comparing PowerPC to Intel chips does suggest that the powerbook line (which needed a proc change/upgrade the most) will be the first to move to intel.
  15. MrNivit1

    Weird reloading on Safari

    Looks like a circular reference (infinte loop) within a google ad. Loading the ad makes another call to open the ad again... This repeats and evetually overloads safari (see activity window snapshot).
  16. MrNivit1

    Weird reloading on Safari

    somebody's ad is not behaving nicely. Can a mod id which one it is and possibly find out what's wrong and either fix/eliminate the ad?
  17. MrNivit1

    Alternative to iTunes?? enjoy... P.S. There is a good back-story about this player you should read if you have the time.
  18. MrNivit1

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    iMacG5's tend to be hard to open up, no?
  19. MrNivit1

    There is only ONE Reason to buy a Macintosh

    Couldn't agree more. Just hope Apple won't be forced to put the "intel inside" sticker on their hardware... That wouldn't look right (i.e. hardware too much like every other PC out there).
  20. MrNivit1

    Keynote webcast available today

    there we go... had to empty safari's cache... ;)