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  1. Browni

    Interview the person beneath you

    if i understood that id answer it :p When was the last time you rebooted your mac?
  2. Browni

    Web Dev tools on a new iBook

    Or GIMP for free version :)
  3. Browni

    How to get your music on the ITMS

    How do you get your music on the itms? i thought saw a 'artists' signup thing a wile back. am i right? if not is there any other way i can get tracks to be downloaded on a pay basis Adam
  4. Browni

    Whats on your desktop?

    Nearly Mod Free: (As it is my Dads Machine in theory ) can be found @
  5. Browni

    Uni room plans

    hmm, im going on an open day nxt wendesday so i will find out the, other wise i will get a PB and a LCD screen ( more screen real estate)
  6. Browni

    Uni room plans

    For my uni room i am planning to get a TV, Mac Mini and a BT mouse and Keyboard, along with a ibook/pbook, the laptop would be for lectures, and the mac mini for work in my room, im going to be doing an Internet Computing Degree at Galmorgan Uni (3 years with a year in industry), wither im going...
  7. Browni

    PHP question

    ok thanks, have to look into URL Cloaking <<calls Hosting People>>
  8. Browni

    iWork 2005

    why doesnt MS port the Jet DB Engine to Mac? or even Access? Ive used File Maker Pro and Access and i have to say that Access is far better than FMP. Plus FMP is not compatable with MS access files ( it just doent work !)
  9. Browni

    PHP question

    Right, i would like the simplicity of a iframe situation with changing content e.g. click link in nav bar, and it appears in main section, but in PHP, i know how to use the <?php include ('filename.html') > is there any way i can specify that a area of the page is called 'content' and point a...
  10. Browni

    MWSF Keynote news, comments, photos, ...

    aw i was hoping for a 2gb model
  11. Browni

    Make your own site server application simular to geocities?

    I am looking for a server app similar to the service that geocities provides that allows users to sign up and create a website in a WYSIWYG web interface, with means to pay for the service (along with more features for paid accounts) I have found somthing that would do it, calledAutoSites but...
  12. Browni

    [MS Access Question] FROM SQL Statement

    I am trying to create a way of taking a reccord from one table and move it into another, after selecting the reccord from a form. I have tried a append query, no luck. I stubled apon the INSERT INTO statement, my attempt is below: INSERT INTO Cadet_Archive SELECT DistinctRow FROM tbl Cadet...
  13. Browni

    Nokia Data Cable Drivers for OS X?

    well i have a BT Dongle and of corse the 6230 is BT compliant, I was able to transfer files via the BT, it was slow but i could do it, thats why i got the Data Cable, why isnt the phone compatible with OSX?
  14. Browni

    excessive mouse clicking

    i agree!
  15. Browni

    Nokia Data Cable Drivers for OS X?

    hmmm, well i will have a look into it, I have used the bluetooth program mentioned cant afford to register it tho. Who should i talk to about getting the phone/D.Cable supported Apple or Nokia? as the Cable is seen by Sys. Profiler is it the phone or the cable?
  16. Browni

    Nokia Data Cable Drivers for OS X?

    Hi, I just got a Data Cable for my Nokia 6230 for Xmas, an I am wondering wether there is any software to get the phone to recognize the Mac? System Profiler sees the data cable but not the phone. Hopefully, Browni
  17. Browni

    The Ebay Song...

    Found this : The Ebay song Enjoy :D
  18. Browni

    What have you named your mac?

    My G4 tower is called 'G4' oddly enough.... My winbolws lappy is known as winlap in my LAN.
  19. Browni

    The only reason to keep a PC around...

    Is there going to be a OSX version if so I will buy it !!
  20. Browni

    Funny noise when inserting CD In to drive

    Just inserted a CD in to the drive on the machine, goes in ok, but it get a mechanical wurring noise when the disk is in. Last week I had a stubon CD that wouldn't eject ( i had to get it out using Open Firmware eject) Is this a problem that the machine will have to go back to the apple...